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Vidhi says to Bimla that she is going to work. She can’t express her happiness with her. She is wearing a salwar. She looks beautiful today. Vidhi says to Dev that he gave the best surprise to her. Hariprasad says that she looks pretty in it. He remembers his wedding day. Jai calls Vidhi. Satyavati says that it’s a happy day for them. Dev tells her that Vidhi is going to resign the job, that is why she is going to office. Then only she can work with them forever. Satyavati says that she made a good decision. Meanwhile, Vickram complaints to Amba that he can’t sign an empty bond paper. Amba demands him sign or else leave her house. He denies it. She calls the bodyguard to kick him out. Vickram signed the paper without an option.

Later, Vidhi reaches the office. She notices her colleagues leaving from there. She inquires the manager what happened? He says to her it’s good she came here. Jai isn’t in a good state today. Jai says to Vidhi that Raab came to his dream. He says to her that Vidhi is able to fulfill his dream. She won’t believe it. He sits on his knee and requests her to help him complete the project. He asks her to fulfill his father’s dream. Meanwhile, Amba points her gun at Dev. She demands him to keep driving. Jai asks Vidhi. Will she fulfill her father’s wish? Vidhi hides the resignation letter and says to him that she will help him. Jai holds her hand and thanks her. She asks him to calm himself. Let’s fulfil his dreams. Later, Amba says to Dev that he betrayed her. She wants to kill him for it. But she can’t because she loves him.

Amba threatens him to get down from the car. She gives the divorce papers to Dev. She says to him that Vickram signed this paper out of love. Chithra will be safe and she can get her baby’s custody. She says that she won’t trouble him anymore. But he had to give her 5 minutes. She asked him to talk with her for 5 minutes. She did this a lot, but he doesn’t give her 5 minutes. It’s not any professional matter but a personal. She requests him to do it. Meanwhile, Vidhi says to Satyavati that she can’t resign until she finishes her internship. Dev comes there. Vidhi says to him that she wishes to talk to him about it. She says to him that she was handling a project. She can’t resign until it is finished. Dev says that it’s the rules. Priya says to her they will handle it until she rejoins. Satyavati says that she is saying this much. Let’s handle it.

Dev says to Vidhi that he doesn’t know what to do. He narrates everything to Vidhi. Vidhi tells him that she lost her senses. It’s better to believe a snake than Amba. Dev says to her that he can’t trust her. She may be plotting again. Vidhi asks him to think about Chithra once. She may be free from this relationship. Dev agrees to meet her but Vidhi might accompany her. Vidhi asks Dev whether she has any problems with it or not? Dev says it to Amba. She gave a nod to him. Dev asks Vidhi to accompany him. She assures him.

Episode Ends

Precap; Amba says to Dev that he promised her that he will listen to her. Dev will do anything for Chithra. She will tell him that she wishes to become a mom to his child. Dev will raise his hand to slap her.

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Na Umra Ki Seema Ho 27th June 2023 Written Update: Jai fumes with rage