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The episode starts with Shiva coming to his room. Raavi is combing her hair. Shiva takes the comb from her. Raavi argues with him snatching the comb from him. Shiva says to leave the house if she can’t wait for divorce. Raavi says to not threaten her and adds that she will stay in this house as she wants to be hereafter. Shiva argues with her. Raavi says that she needs to make them realise their mistake else they will keep hiding other things from her in future.

Anita meets Kamini. Kamini says that it’s good Shiva didn’t confess his love to Raavi and asks why she didn’t send the video, if she had sent it, there would have been a big fight between them. Kamini says that they should take care that they keep fighting and adds that she sent the photos. Anita asks Kamini to send the video. Kamini agrees. Shiva recrives a message. He sees photos of Raavi with Kamini and thinks that Raavi is acting like this due to Kamini’s support.

Shiva asks Raavi if she has gone somewhere before coming to the party. Raavi says that Anita took her for Shopping. Shiva says that she met Kamini there. Raavi denies it. Shiva asks if she’s sure. Raavi refuses to answer to his stupid questions. Shiva agrees and leaves. Raavi is surprised that Shiva left without fighting and worries that he doesn’t create a scene about it.

Suman comes to Rishita and advises that she gets respected in her parents house when she is respected in her in laws house. Rishita says that she was standing with her in laws when they were right, but now they hurt her mother and asks if it’s wrong to stand with her mother. Suman denies it and says that she has come to wish her happy new year. Suman further says that she loves her three daughters in law equally. Suman worries thinking how Dhara will handle Rishita and Raavi.

Gautam and Dhara discuss about what happened at the party. Dhara says that the children grew up and she couldn’t handle them now. Dhara says that it’s time to divide their rights and responsibility so that the daughters in law realise that they’re also a part of the family. Dhara suggests opening a separate bank account on everyone’s name and deposit the profit in that account at the end of each month. Gautam finds it’s a good idea and says that he open the accounts. Gautam and Dhara say that they trust each other to make things normal. They leave as they are getting late for the hospital.

Suman comes to Raavi, who is in the kitchen. Raavi gives Suman water. Suman says to Raavi that her anger is justified and says that the plan was hidden from her too. Raavi says that Suman is the house and they’re part of the house and it is hurting when they put a part of the house separatly. Suman says that Raavi is right and she won’t come between Dhara and her fight. She says that she has come to wish happy new year. Raavi wishes her happy new yaer.

In the night Shiva is awake and recalls the fight. Raavi is sad and thinks when the difference between her and Shiva will end. Everytime they come close and she wants to confess her feelings to him, something happens which makes seperates them. She recalls their fight. Roke na ruke naina plays in the BG. Raavi looks at the flowers petals that she kept safely in the drawer. Raavi says that she loves Shiva lot.

Dev sees Rishita talking over phone about job. Dev pleads with her to not work as when she worked last time, their family landed in trouble. Rishita refuses as they all stand with Dhara. Dev argues and says that if she wants Dhara to invest the money in house leaving her IVF treatment. Dev adds that he will tell Dhara that they’re trying for baby for Dhara. Rishita says that they aren’t financially stable yet so she can’t think about it.

Raavi comes to meet Anita. The latter says that she loves Hardik lot and asks Raavi to talk Dhara about it. Raavi agrees and hugs Anita. Shiva sees this and says that he should break her connection with Anita. Raavi says to Anita that she will handle everything. They share a smile. Anita thinks that it will be more interesting when Shiva will see that video. Raavi notices Shiva. They hear Rishita-Dev fighting and go to check. Rishita says to Dev that she won’t stop searching for job.

Shiva asks what happened. Rishita angrily reacts and asks Shiva to not interfere in their matter. She asks Raavi to take Shiva away. Raavi tries to talk, but Rishita cuts her to not lecture her like Dhara. Raavi says that she’s saying like this it’s not less than any sickness. Shiva asks Shiva drags Raavi to their room and says that she’s acting like listening to her sister and shows her photo with Kamini and asks what she was doing with Kamini.

Shiva asks how they can move further in their relationship if she’s doing like this. Raavi clarifies that she didn’t go to the market to meet Kamini and tells what happened. A FB shows. Raavi helps Kamini by catching the thief who run away snatching Kamini bag. Kamini thanks Raavi and hugs her. Anita records it. FB ends. Shiva says what about her sister with whom she was talking. Raavi says that Anita talked about her marriage.

Shiva asks whom house Anita wants to destroy. Raavi says Hardik and says that Anita proved her intentions are right to her. Shiva says that Anita can’t change and says that her marriage can never happen with Hardik and asks to keep this matter away from Dhara as she’s already worried about IVF. Raavi asks why he’s dragging Dhara when they’re talking about Anita. Shiva says that Raavi is talking rudely with Dhara from yesterday and if she continues like this, he can never be hers.

The episode ends.

Precap: Dhara announces about her decision to the family. Rishita says that finally Dhara realised that they grow up and they need money for their expenses. Raavi creates a scene at the shop.

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Pandya Store 3rd January 2022 Written Update: Dhara fears of Pandya family separation