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The episode starts with Sukhwinder asking Neeti what happened to her. She tells her that she is alright. Neeti demands Sanju to leave from there. She doesn’t need his help. Sukhwinder asks Neeti if she is mad? She tells her that she was madly in love with Sanju. Sukhwinder says that she has to move on in her life. Sanju accepted Parineet in his life. She will get a better person than Sanju in her life. She says that she has only two options in her life. She has to fight with Parineet and get back with Sanju or else move on. Parineet notices Sanju is back. She tells him that he looks tired. She asks him to eat anything. He tells her that it’s his favourite. Once Gurpreet cooked it for him. He thinks that only Parineet cares for him. She waited for him to serve food. Meanwhile, Sukhwinder says to Neeti that nothing will change if she cry like this. If Sanju is hers then Parineet is not able to snatch him from her. Neeti says that Parineet pretends to help her. She became her surrogate mother. The family members are giving importance to that baby. Sukhwinder says that she has to eat something. She refuses to eat.
Sukhwinder says that Sanju came for her but she sent him back. Neeti says that she can’t control her anger.

Sukhwinder says that she is taking decisions in rush. Neeti tells her that she thought Sanju cares for her but he don’t love her anymore. Sanju asks Parineet if she eat? She tells him that she waited for him. He says that we can eat in same plate. Sanju and Parineet feeds each other. Parminder and Babli admires them. She says that they will fall in love with each other slowly. No one evil eyes falls on them. Meanwhile, Neeti says to Sukhwinder that whenever Sanju see her she can feel the love for her in his eyes. She can’t see it today in his eyes. Her life is over. She ruined her life. Neeti hugs her and breaks out in tears. Sukhwinder asks her to take a rest. Later, Parminder says to Babli that Sanju accepted Parineet. Babli says that Neeti and Parineet had an good understanding between each other. Parminder says that Neeti ruined everything and left the house. They have to fight for their rights. Meanwhile, Sanju says to Parineet that she didn’t asked him about his whereabouts? Parineet asks him about Neeti. He says that she tried to kill her manytimes. But she cares for her till. Parineet says that she was in angry. She isn’t wrong thoroughly. Sanju says that they shouldn’t be blind in anger. She has to learn how to control her anger. Sanju says to Parineet that she was always there to support him.

Sanju says that Parineet supported him in every situation. He thanked her for agreed to marry him. Parineet asks him if he agree to marry her to take revenge on Neeti. Sanju denied it. He says that he is correcting his mistakes. He says that he has no wrong intentions behind this wedding. He wants to give her rights to her. He asks her to promise him that she won’t back off from this wedding. She promises to him. Neeti has a nightmare and checks her wedding pictures. Neeti says that Sanju shouldn’t marry Parineet leaving her. Sukhwinder consoles her. She tells her let’s go to the temple tomorrow and takes Mata Rani’s blessing. Next day, Sukhwinder asks Neeti to prays to the God. Neeti asks the god to give back her Sanju to her. Neeti’s friend noticed her. She is surprised to see Sanju coming. He praises their love. He says that he started loving seeing their love. Sanju tried to avoid him. Parminder asks the priest to start the pooja. His friend ask Neeti to sit with him.

Episode end

Precap; Neeti says to Sanju that Parineet will pay for her deeds. Sanju scolds her.

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Parineetii 9th December 2023 Written Update: