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The episode starts with Gurinder saying to Neeti that she already facing lose in her business and everyone badmouthing on her. Though she is threatening her. She asks Neeti what will she do? Will she kill her? Neeti threatens to kill her. Parminder scolds Neeti for not giving respect to the elders. She warns her to behave well reasoning it’s not her house. She is just a guest here. Gurinder leaves from there in anger. Bebe advises to Neeti that they are not wrong. Neeti is going out of control. She is getting angry on everyone. Neeti says that she knew it because she lost everything. She lost her name and she couldn’t marry Sanju. The media is determined to ruin her name. Neeti says that this day is very important to her. She wants to show off to the media that she is very happy for this wedding. She has to show that she is happy for Parvathi and Sanju’s wedding. She requests her to act like that in front of the media. She is fighting with Parvathi a lot. She asks her to fight with her after this function. Neeti pleads with her to support her. Meanwhile, Gurinder gets frustrated with Neeti’s attitude. She thinks that how could she threaten to kill her. Gurinder says that she can’t trust Neeti. She already tried to kill her manytimes. She plans to remove Neeti from their life for everyone’s safety.
Neeti greeting the investors. The investors says to her that they checked the papers. It’s good. But they are worried about her image. The media reporters are talking about her personal life. If her name is damaged then it will affect their shares. They can’t allow it. Neeti says that her business rivals created this fake story against her. Neeti asks them not to believe it. She will prove it to her. She asks Parminder doesn’t Sanju and Parvathi got married with all the rituals? Parvathi was already on the mandap. Parminder and Bebe lies to them. Neeti says that she doesn’t have any problems with their wedding. Parminder adds that she is very happy with this wedding. They are perfect couples. Neeti says that she will introduce them. Later, Parineet is respecting the elders and treating them well. Sanju says to Gurpreet that she was showing an attitude before but she looks different now. He can’t understand her. Gurpreet says that she looks like rough and tough but she is a sweet from inside. Sanju collides with Parineet. Her dhuppatta sticks on his watch.
Neeti brings the investors there. Parineet says that guest are coming. She asks him to pretend like her husband. He asks her what’s she saying. She says that he has to act like he loves her. Lovely husband of her. Sanju says that he really love her. He doesn’t want to pretend there. He is showing his real feelings for her. Sanju greets the investors. Parineet pretends like happy with Sanju and praised Neeti. She asks them to invest in her business. She is a good partner. She gets a phone call and leaves. Sanju goes behind her. The investors are praising their jodi and shows their happiness. Neeti feels jealous to hear it. Meanwhile, Gurinder sets a trap for Neeti. She thinks that it’s time to send her to hell. Later, Parineet talks with Ambika on phone. The phone got switched off due to poor signal. She argues with Sanju for following her behind. He says that her dhuppatta stuck on his watch. Later, The investors are ready to leave. Parineet thinks that she can’t allow it to happen. She wants to show the reality to them. She asks the investors to stay back and dance with them to celebrate the lohri. They praised Parvathi there. Sanju expressed his feelings for Parvathi in front of Neeti. Which makes her feel jealous. Sanju and Parineet dances together. Neeti poured the juice on Parineet.
Episode end
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