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The episode starts with Pushpa encouraging the women that they could escape from the place. She swears at the goons and gets ready with a log as she finds someone approaching. She gets ready to attack him. Viren says his brother that someone has executed their plan before he could and he guesses the person to be Jugal. Pushpa hits the person’s head and gets shocked knowing that it’s Jugal. As she Apologizes him Jugal reveals that it’s his men who Kidnapped her shocking Pushpa.
Ashwin got the presentation ready before the given time and Boss asks if he’s sure about it. Ashwin expresses his confidence and starts giving the presentation. He recalls Deepti saying that his presentation seems so dry and his Boss also told the same. However he says that it’s necessary to not skip the basics as it forms the base of a project. He continues explaining and Boss gets impressed with his presentation. He gave Ashwin the responsibility of the project and asks him to report to him directly. Ashwin gets happy. He comes home and shares Deepti his happiness.
Deepti asks why he didn’t pick the call and says about Pushpa missing and Master ji waiting for her. Master visits Chandrika’s house to find her also missing. Ashwin calls Master ji who still have no clue about anyone. Rashi thinks that it’s not the right time to share about the stalker. Pushpa confronts Jugal for kidnapping her but Jugal says if he didn’t then Viren would’ve did the same. He says it’s not the right place to discuss about it all and takes her with him to his House. Bapodhara is exercising and Susheela helps him when he gets tangled. He prepsres himself for the corporate elections and asks Susheela to do her part so that she could prove herself capable for managing the chawl.
Pushpa is angrily looking at Jugal who’s looking equally angry at her as he bleeded due to her beating. Ashwin calls Pushpa and Pushpa attend the call. He scolds her for disappearing and says how everyone were worried about her. Pushpa says she’s fine and asks him to not to worry. Pushpa asks Chandrika to call Master and inform about their well being. She scolds Jugal as he’s the reason that her children were tensed. Jugal says she has no Idea what Viren has planned. He recalls how Shubhra also planned the same way as her but ended up losing to Viren. He tries speaking sense into her that Viren killed Kanchi’s men only to stop any hindrance for his business. He asks if she thinks he would easily let her start her business just like that after all those crooked says. He says she would go back to Mumbai but it’s actually the other three ladies who’s going to suffer because of her.
Precap: Viren accuses Chandrika, Pramila and Kusum of stealing sarees in his work place. Inspector leaves to check in their house while Viren instructs his brother to keep the sarees at their houses. On the other hand another worker accuses Pushpa for spoiling the lives of the three as now they can’t go back to Viren nor can leave with her. She accuses Pushpa for ruining their lives.
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Pushpa Impossible 16th August 2023 Written Update: