Raja Rani 2 Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on justshowbiz.net

Vijay tv fame” Raja Rani” launched it’s season2 with different plot. This show is concentrating on Saravanan’a prize amount went missing. Family members are trying to find out whom steal the money?

In Today’s episode we see; Adhi is dancing holding the money bag and plans how to spend the money. He decided to buy a costly phone and watch. He thinks no one suspecting him because he is working in bank. He wishes to don’t use the money now or else someone will find him out. Sivagami is upset thinking about her family members. She shares her grief to Ravi. Morning Sivagami gets disappointed when no one returned the money. Senthil enquires to her Isn’t no one returned the money? Mayilu says Saravanan worked hard to get that money but someone stoled it without humanity. Adhi says to them he is leaving for his work. Parvathy tells him she has exam today. Adhi teases her. Sandhya consoles Sivagami and assures to her they are not worrying about money but disappointed with the family members. She suggests her to go to police station but she denies it.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Mani will force Sandhya to share her police dream to her family members or Saravanan. Sivagami will share to her neighbors that Sandhya won’t go to work Sandhya hears it. Meanwhile Archana will find out her pregnancy details and hide it from family members. She will decide to abort the baby with Senthil permission.

What will happen next? Will Sandhya find out the culprit? Whom steal the money?

Upcoming episode will answer to our all questions stay tune with our space for more updates.