Sathya Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on
Zee Tamil popular hit show ‘Sathya’ is taking a twist by bringing MLA Natarajan to story. This story gonna focus how Sathya gonna endure his torture. Earlier we saw that Sathya sang in Pooja.viewers will see that Sathya gets furious.
In Today’s episode we see; Janaki demands Prabhu and Sathya to mention the name which they selected for their baby? Both says Prathya, Prasath name at a time. They gives the explanation of that name too. Indhumathi praises their bond and way of thinking. Janaki enquires to Sathya Is she angry with Prabhu for not letting her go out. Is she feeling like he is controlling her and snatches her freedom from her? Sathya denies it reasoning he is controlling her in the love on Sathya and their baby to come out safe. Prabhu hears it and gets emotional. He thank Janaki for confronting Sathya for this matter he tells her even he is guilty for his deeds. Anitha hears it and all wishes to do something to break their relationship. Sadhasivam and Anitha meets MLA Natarajan and asks him to beat Janaki and threaten Sathya to come out of the house.
In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Natarajan will create problems in Janaki’s house. He will slap Janaki slum people will come to her support. They will demand her to call Sathya and inform this to her. Janaki will refuse to do it reasoning Sathya is pregnant her safety is important now. Anitha’s henchman inform this to Sathya she get furious to hear it. Makan will inform this to Prabhu. Sathya will hesitate to cross the line. Prabhu will rushes to there to stop Sathya. He will try his best to control her anger. He will assure to Sathya that he will take care of this issue.
What will happen next? Will Sathya cross the line? How will Prabhu gonna tackle this situation?
Upcoming episode will answer to our all questions stay tune with our space for more updates.