Shakti Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on

The episode starts with Heer telling Mahi that she has lost her daughter. From now on she has relation with Harman’s family. Not with her. Mahi recalls her moments with Heer, Heer is about to leave with Virat but Mahi stops her. Mahi says she gave birth to Heer so she became an eye opener for her mother. Mahi says noone will believe it but today she realised her mistake, she never took care of Heer and now she doesn’t want to hurt her anymore. Mahi says she will divorce Harman as love can’t be snatched forcefully. She pleads before Heer that she can’t afford to lose the latter else she will die. Heer stops her from crying and hugs her.

Heer and Virat reach home and Sant asks Virat why he didn’t call him when they got stuck in problem in college. Virat says Saumya handled everything. Heer tells Parmeet to sit as she is unwell. Saumya goes to Mallika’s house. She says she wants to take their help as Angel is ruining their community’s reputation. Kinnars are following her blindly for money. Kareena comes and Saumya says the latter also came under the influence of Angel. Kareena and other tell her that Angel is manipulating others to do wrong things and from the day she became Guru Mata she is doing criminal activities. One of them asks Saumya if she can become Guru Mata again to show them right path. Saumya gets surprised and says she can’t handle the responsibility at this point. She wants them to unite only. Harman tells Saumya that she doesn’t to need to worry and she still can be Guru Ma as the torchbearer of Kinnar community. Saumya looks at him.

Gurwindar is crying in room. Virat consoles her saying they will take care of her. They will face the problem together and will support her. Daljeet is getting punished for his wrong deeds. Virat leaves. Gurwindar wipes her tears and thinks Virat cares for her alot, she should not separate him and Heer. Daljeet calls her and taunts her saying she has no existence without her husband, noone knows her. Who will take her responsibility. So she should not feel sad for Virat if she wants Daljeet back. Gurwindar gets upset.

Saumya tells Harman that she has her family responsibilities, how will she take such a big responsibility. Harman says he will handle the household responsibilities but Saumya should be the leader of kinnars as he got afraid after what happened to Heer in college. Society always mistreats a kinnar. Harman suggests Saumya to lead her community people as she the best person to differentiate between right or wrong and can fight for their rights. Saumya agrees and kinnars clap for them. They pray for Saumya and Harman’s togetherness. They decide to perform the ritual during full moon night.

Harman and Saumya enter the house but they get surprised seeing darkness everywhere. Preeto turns on the light and Saumya gets surprised seeing all the decorations. They ask what is all this? Heer gives divorce papers to Harman. Harman gets happy seeing Mahi’s signature on it. Preeto says Mahi has left after signing the papers. She will come back in few days. Harak says because of Heer it happened. Harman also reveals the good news to everyone that Saumya is going to be Guru Mata again. Preeto and Heer congratulate them saying Harman is with Saumya that’s the main thing. Heer hugs Saumya and thanks Harman for always supporting her. Virat says they should begin the celebration now.

Episode ends