Today’s episode starts with Heer crying. Saumya ask Mahi to feed her. Mahi refuses and says she will not feed her.
Shanno in her room gets angry and throws stuffs. Sindhu comes and consoles her. Shanno ask Sindhu to promise her that she will not touch Heer nor she will go to Preeto’s side. Sindhu agrees to Shanno and cries.
Saumya gets angry on Mahi after she refuses to feed Heer. Heer cries and Preeto comes. She taunts Mahi, gives milk bottle to Saumya, and asks her to feed.
Preeto says God always wanted to give all the happiness to Saumya. Suamya recalls her moment with Harman and smiles. Ravi comes to Saumya and says that she has always supported her but she did wrong with Shanno. She says she will not touch Heer. Preeto asks Raavi to leave.
Mahi says to Preeto that because of Heer her relationship with others is breaking. Preeto says none is above to her more than Heer. She praises Mahi for supporting her and asks her to always to do that.
Shanno comes to Veeran and says dinner is ready. She asks him to Preeto who will eat or not. Harak stops Preeto and ask her why she is behaving weird. He counts Saumya’s mistake and ask her why she slapped Shanno because of her. Preeto explains to Harak and ask him to trust her. She counts Saumya’s good work and says she is not doing anything wrong by supporting her.
Saumya comes and ask Preeto it is getting difficult to answer family. Preeto says she can do anything to protect Heer. Preeto ask Saumya to bring Rohan and Soham from next day with her. Saumya agrees. Harak sees Mallika and ask why she doesn’t come to give blessing to Heer, as earlier she always used to come when Saumya was there? He invites Mallika and other kinnars to give blessing to Heer. Mallika agrees.
Saumay comes with Heer. Rohan comes with Soham and goes to talk with Raavi and Sindhu. He tries to talk with them but they don’t reply. Preeto comes, says to Rohan that they all are upset, and ask him to go and play.
Preeto ask Rohan to go and play. Harak sees Rohan and yells at him. He says who called him and ask him to leave. He says he can’t see Rohan at his house because he belongs to Vedant. Rohan stands shocked. Preeto supports Rohan. Harak ask him to take Rohan away from his sight.
Saumya ask Rohan they should leave now. Rohan says he knows that his uncle pushed his son and apologizes to Harak. He says he always wanted to come to meet them so that he can apologize on behalf of Vedant but Saumya never allows him. Harak recalls how Vedant pushed Harman and falls down.
Rohan pleads to Harak and ask him to let him stay in his house. Mallika enters Singh house with other kinnars. Preeto recalls Mallika’s word and gets scared. Preeto and Saumya stands shocked.
Mallika comes to Harak house and says to Harak that she is here because he invited her. She further says she will dance and will give blessings too and in return will take big sum. Harak ask Mallika to dance. Mallika dances around Preeto and Heer.
Mallika says to Harak he is grandfather of Heer and he should dance too. Harak dances with Mallika and others. Preeto sees Rohan and takes him with her. Harak sees Rohan and stops dancing. Preeto signals Harak to forgive Rohan. Harak gives his hand to Rohan and dances with him. Saumya smiles standing from far. (Episode Ends)
Precap: Preeto ask Heer to come else she will cut her birthday cake. Harak and Raavi too calls out Heer. Heer celebrates her birthday. Saumya smiles from far.