Shakti Astitva Ke Ehsaas Ki Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on
The Episode starts with Daljeet telling commissioner to find Sant. Parmeet cries. Commissioner says if Saumya and Harman are involved in this then they will catch them. Parmeet breaks down saying they ruined her life. Daljeet consoles her.
Virat shouts at Saumya and Harman. Virat says he knows Saumya and Harman did something to his father. Heer misunderstood his family, Saumya and Harman too believed that. Harman says to Virat do you think Heer’s death is a joke. Virat says Heer is alive. Why can’t they understand. How can they talk such things about Heer. Virat asks about Sant again. Saumya says Virat should accept the truth. They equally love Heer and they feel sad when they talk about Heer’s death. But they have to find her dead body to perform the last rite rituals. But Virat’s family snatched that right from them too. Saumya says Virat should open his eyes to see the truth, how his family is doing drama to misguide him. When they only killed Heer. Heer took care of Virat when he became mentally ill. So how can she just leave Virat after sending him a letter. She is not with Virat as she is not alive. Virat recalls everything. Police arrives to arrest Saumya and Harman.
Inspector says they killed Sant so they will get arrested. Harman says when he seeked their help to give justice to Heer they didn’t arrest the culprits. Now they are trying to arrest Harman and Saumya for Sant’s murder. Saumya and Harman tell them there’s no solid proof against them. A Video can never prove anything just how they didn’t arrest Heer’s murderers on the basis of a video clip. Saumya says they should also bring Sant’s dead body as proof. Chintu claps and comes downstairs. He says Saumya is really clever. She shot his father in front of guests and called it self defence now she killed Sant and smartly hiding it. But he is the evidence, he heard that Saumya and Harman killed Sant with their own hands to give justice to Heer. He will give statement against them. Inspector says now they have statement against Saumya and Harman so they can take them in custody.
Commissioner assures Parmeet that they will punish the murderers. One parcel comes for Parmeet. Courier boy says Sant sent this. Daljeet unwraps the parcel and sees two black roses. They see one letter from Sant. Commissioner reads the letter which is written by Sant. Sant says he has a burden on himself and he wants to end his life for that. Parmeet gets shocked and recalls how she forced Heer to write a fake letter to Virat. Parmeet says this is not true. Sant can’t write it. Someone forced him. Daljeet notices that its Sant’s handwriting. Parmeet thinks Saumya played the same trick with them.
Preeto says Chintu is holding alchohol bottle. His statement is not acceptable as he is in drunken state. How can law ignore this fact. Harak warns the inspector and tells them to leave. Inspector gets call and informs them that Sant attempted suicide and sent a letter too. They have to close the case now. Chintu tries to stop them saying he will give the same statement tomorrow without drinking alcohol. Chintu shouts Saumya is a murderer, arrest her. But the police leaves. Preeto loses her cool and is about to attack Chintu but Saumya stops her. She says as decided they should give time to Chintu. Virat is shattered and Chintu breaks the bottle in anger. Virat asks Harman is this true that Heer is not alive. Harman says yes and he should accept the truth. Virat leaves the house.
Episode ends