High drama awaits in the upcoming episode as Rohit will console drugged Sonakshi and tries to listen to her side of story. Later, when lose her consciousness, he calls Sumit who takes her home. Suman wants Sumit and Sonakshi to get married and ask Sumit to think about it.
Rohit later meets Pari and tries to talk about her pregnancy but she misunderstands her. Later, Rohan with his friend make Pari unconscious and tries to give her abortion pills in that state. Rohit comes and saves her. However, he flees with his friend. Looking for Pari, Sonakshi and Suman arrives. Rohit discloses the shocking pregnancy news of Pari to them. At home, Sonakshi again misunderstands Rohit and accuses him for an attempt to abort Pari’s child.
At Sippy’s mansion, an astrologer says Rohit is going through agony and there are chances of his life in danger if this continues.
Upcoming is Tanya to fell from stairs.
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