Star Plus’ Kasauti Zindagi Kay last episode had TV drama with a dash of Bollywood as Parineeti Chopra and Siddharth Malhotra graced the episode to promote their upcoming film ‘Jabariya Jodi”.
Prerna and Bajaj reach home to receive a warm welcome from the family. Nivedita is shocked to see Anurag’s condition. Anurag needs his sister’s help to destroy Mr.Bajaj.
Now in the upcoming episode, we will see that Veena will reach Bajaj Mansion where Prerna will be confronted by Veena.
Prerna will try to assure Veena about Mr. Bajaj But Veena will lash her out and will talk bad about Mr. Bajaj and will leave. Prerna will try to follow her but will slip and will fall.
Mr. Bajaj will see this and will rush to aid her, but Prerna will shout at Mr. Bajaj. Mr. Bajaj will try to clam her out saying her mother was angry so she was saying bad things.
Mr. Bajaj will then inform Prerna that he will reveal the real reason behind marrying her. Prerna will try to ask him what but Mr . Bajaj will leave without informing. Prerna will follow Mr. Bajaj.
Mr Bajaj will reach school, Prerna will follow him there also. Mr. Bajaj will hug Sneha and will show her wounded finger. Mr Bajaj will get angry and will confront principal for being carelessness despite his huge donation but the teacher will put blame on Sneha.

Later, at Bajaj Mansion Mr. Bajaj will reveal the real reason behind marrying Prerna. Mr. Bajaj will tell her that he had marriage her just for the sake of Sneha and not to hurt Anurag or for any revenge. Here , Anurag and Nivedita will join hand to destroy Mr. Bajaj.

What is in store for Prerna and Bajaj now? Do you think this revelation will open new doors in their relationship?

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