Star Bharat popular show Sufiyana Pyaar Mera is going to showcase the biggest ever revelation in the show in the episode of tonight. The recent promo of the show also showcased Saltanat is finally come to know that the real culprit behind all the chaos creating in her life and house is because of Kainaat. She is all set now to expose her infront of all. Along with her even though she will get to know about Sabina’s involvement in this case along with her niece.
Tonight Saltanat will expose Kainaat and Kainaat will also reveal all her deeds till today. All in all the audience of the show is all set for some edge of the seat drama.
The ardent viewers of the show is going to see a high-voltage drama in tonight’s episode of the daily. From past few days, Saltanat is getting many clues and hints about the incident that happened to her during the marriage of Kainaat. She has kept quiet about it till today from all her close persons even Zaroon.
Today Saltant will meet her father at Shah Manzil where she will get to know about a shocking truth. She will be left stunned when her father will inform her that she was in her friend’s house during Kainaat marriage whereas she never came back from Masjid. On the other hand, Kainaat will come to Zaroon house in Saltanat’s disguise but then left without anyone’s notice. Later on Sabina will call Kainaat for her help, she even tells her that their secret is out. Kainaat will reach and shocked to find Sabina inside a locked glass tank. Kainaat will refuse to save Sabina so that she can use it for her profit. Later Saltanat did an expected move which left Sabina and Kainaat stunned.
For more updates keep watching this space.