Star Bharat’s popular show Sufiyana Pyaar Mera recently showcased the union of lovers Zaroon and Saltanat eventually after they had to go through lots of struggles and pains. Saltanat even had to face near-death experience in order just because Kainat could not handle the man she loved loving someone else. The fact that Zaroon fell in love with the girl who had an identical face with hers worsened Kainat’s craziness and she went to become the ultimate villain in Saltanat and Zaroon’s love story. But all her cunning tricks and conspiracies are under the bridge now. Right during the initial proceedings of her much-desired wedding with Zaroon, Saltanat gatecrashed the venue and declared her true feelings of love towards Zaroon in front of everyone. Finally, the wedding forced upon Zaroon came to an end for good and Saltanat and Zaroon tied relationship to each other. This step will come with a price for both lovers though.
Our exclusive source from the sets tells that in the upcoming episode, despite their pleadings and Zainab’s justifications Miyajaan will not accept their relationship. He will sever all the ties with Saltanat and they will be asked to leave the house if they decide to pursue a relationship with one another. Saltanat and Zaroon will then do as they are told and leave everything behind to start their new life on their own. Kainat, on the other hand, will be burning in fury and agony and becomes more vengeful. She will vouch to seek revenge from everyone for the misery she is put in. Zaroon and Saltanat will wander around in rain not knowing where exactly to go now that they have left their house for good. Saltant will faint in pouring rain exhausted from the near-death experience and rush after that.
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