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The Episode starts with Suman who slaps Devika for her destructive conspiracy. Devika has been pretending a well wisher of Mittal family when she was planning to kill Suman. As soon as Suman returns home, she starts exposing the hypocrisy of Devika who sent the goon to murder Teerth. She mentions Teerth has been suffering because of Devika. Devika becomes totally chickened out by this sudden accusation and tries to deny it.

After a while, Teerth returns in Mittal house captivating Gulshan with him. Seeing Gulshan, Devika’s face become totally pale. Being pressurized by all, Gulshan utters the truth saying Devika ordered him to kill Suman, but mistakenly the bullet hitted Teerth instead of her. There is no one in the house who can believe the words of Gulshan. Devika becomes restless being accused in front of everyone. She tries to defame Suman, she also insults Akhil for not supporting her.

Suman doesn’t stop herself from slapping Devika, she becomes vulnerable to describe all the criminal action of Devika in the recent years. After a while, the police arrive in the house of Mittal to arrest Gulshan. He becomes totally surprise to see the police since Suman promised that she won’t call any police. In front of the police, Suman also exposes that Devika was linked with the murder of Rishi and asks the police officer to arrest Devika also, at the police mentions there is no proof against Devika.

Suman promises that she will bring the proof against Devika by the evening. Listening the conversation between Suman and police officer, Devika cannot understand about what proof Suman is talking about.

Later, Suman is asked by her husband how she will collect the proof by the evening. Suman describes she has noticed CCTV camera on that spot where Rishi was murdered. She hopes she will definitely get some proof against Devika.

Following the incident of the house, Guru becomes totally puzzled about the entire situation of the house. He also starts interrogating his wife but Devika again pretends to be innocent as if she didn’t know anything about Rishi’s murder case. But this time Guru is not believing the words of Devika so easily. One by one he questions her about the previous incident, but Devika doesn’t stop her melodramatic acting.

Not getting any other way to save herself Devika returns to her father and begs him to save herself. Her father asks her to tell all the truth otherwise it will be impossible for him to save Devika. She cannot understand whether she should unbox all the truth to her father or not.

Suman and Teerth start checking all the CCTV footage to get any clue to expose the murderer. Very soon Suman gets a video where Devika’s face is totally clearly seen.

Episode ends.

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