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The show begins in Kadargal’s team Viji shouts it’s may be swap. Umapathy says to them he think someone from their team will go to opponent team. Viji and Vikranth says to them they don’t wanna go. In Vedargals team everyone are discussing about the same. Amzath fears what will he do. Ravi consoles him nothing to worry they won’t do like that. Viji complaints that she almost settled here but she didn’t expected this twist. Kash shares to camera that she was settles now with all shelters and everything but now they are scared to face the upcoming twist. How will she mingle with others also tough one. Kadargal are singing sad song together.
Lakshmi shares to Amzath that she fears they will ask them to choose new tribe leader. It’s tough to do it after all they reaches to this stage. Amzath says to her that he fears after swapping they will nominate him to eliminate. Lakshmi says that they don’t swap with one or two persons. If they decided to swap them they will swap whole team itself. Lakshmi says that she has no idea about it. Ravi says that he doesn’t care about anything.
Aishwarya says to Nandha that she is thinking that they will choose the person to send opponent team considering yesterday’s performance. Nandha explains her all side to her. Aishwarya questions him what will she answer to Arjun if he question about the punishment task? He says to her as a tribe leader she can say her opinion.
Aishwarya discussing with her tribes abut the worst performer of the week? Aishwarya says that Lakshmi and Nandha went slow while climb the pyramid. Lakshmi says that she is agreeing with this point. But Aishwarya supports Nandha reasoning he helped them to pulls up many people. Narayanan says to camera that he feels like Aishwarya siding Nandha for her personal attachments. Amzath says to Aishwarya to stop discussing about it they done everything based on strategy. They can’t able to find a solution for it. As a leader she can take the final decision.
In Kazakhstan team everyone are eating food while cracking jokes. Umapathy brings swapping topic there. He adds that Viji will go to that team. She asks him to stop playing with her life she likes to stay with them only. Kash feels bad for leaving her team after bonded well with all. Umapathy takes the cookies box with him in the memories of them. Umapathy hugs the coconut tree emotionally.
Arjun invites Survivors to the stage. He welcomes them and greets them. He claps for both teams Reward challenge. He questions Aishwarya doesn’t they wanna do the punishment challenge? They loose in the reward challenge. Kadargal done it already its their time to do it. Why didn’t they do it? Aishwarya says to him that they are not agreeing with the concept of punishment. They can’t able to even use toilet for emergency if they do it. Arjun says its the rules they are violating it. He asks Nandha to share his opinion about it? Nandha says to him that they already loose the rewards that’s their punishment. Arjun says Kadargal didn’t denied it when they lost. Nandha says to him that it’s different. He adds that they grinder spices but it’s tough to put hand cuff. Arjun questions him Is they wanna ask tribes to correct the rules? Nandha says to him that he can’t able to do anything loosing his self respect. Arjun says to him why didn’t he thinked about the height when they climbed up? If he is not a host he would have helped them. Arjun says to them that he can walk out of the game if he can’t able to obey the rules.
Arjun asks the tribes leader to come out and sit in opposition to them. He offers juice and chips for them to enjoy the game. Arjun demands all tribes to stand in line. He will questions some common question to them. Majority names will be taken as the answers. Whom reaching to floor wanna go and stand in A and B platform.
Arjun asks the first question to them. Who is the most loved person in their tribe? Vedargal mentions Ravi’s name most. He demands Amzath to step down first. Kadargal mentions Umapathy’s name mostly. Amzath says that Ravi giving love to all equally so he accepts the anwer.
Whom used to cry so much in their team? Vedargal gives correct answers Amzath name. Kadargal gives Vijay Lakshmi’s name. Vanessa gives correct answers to everything. She reaches to the floor. He asks her to go to A platform. Arjun asks them to mention who is silent killer in their team. Vedargal mentions Nandha’s name and Kadargal gives Saran’s name. Vedargal gives explanation that Nandha has strategic mind always. Arjun asks Narayana to go to B platform. Kadargal gives a reason that Saran has good thinking and doing his work in silent.
Next question whom can’t able to hide one matter from others? Vedargal gives Amzath name and Kadargal gives Umapathy name as the answer. Arjuna asks Amzath to go to A platform and Besant Ravi to B platform. Next question whom showing lots of care in their tribes? Vedargal gives Ravi’s name and Kadargal gives VG name. Arjun asks VG to go to B Team and Uma to A team. He feels emotional after that he side hugs her. Arjun sends Lakshmi to A team and Enigo to B team. Next question who is very funny person in their gang? Kadargal gives Uma name and Vedargal gives Narayana name. He sends Nandha and Kash to A. Saran to B. Kash and Umapathy gets emotional seeing their people going to another team. Arjun asks them to roll over the platform to find out who is their tribe leader? Umapathy hugs Vikranth and shares his emotions to him.
Arjun says that they changed their team now. They can exchange their band. He asks them to remind they will fight alone in the end. Better survive to be a survivor. Both Kadargal and Vedargal leaves from there. Kadargal reaches to their island. Lakshmi says to camera that this island looks different. Too much breeze and sand are there. Nothing is there only coconut trees are around there.
Viji says that new island people gives new vibes to her. She erases everything and start from the beginning. Viji helps them to create fire. Amzath says to camera that Kadargal are majority here. They wanna win their trust first. Ravi says to Enigo that they didn’t expected this. What if he go from here. They are strong team now. Aishwarya misses Nandha and asks Ravi to fulfill his place.
Umapathy mingles with the team. Saran gets a positive vibes from them. Narayana and Enigo makes them comfortable. Vikrantha says that he misses Viji a lot. Nandha says to camera that everything changed. Just wanna wait and see the result. Viji says to camera that she will definitely gonna give her 100%.
Episode end.
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Survivor 7th October 2021 Written Update: New scroll gives shock to the tribes