Udne Ki Aasha Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justshowbiz.net
The episode starts with Sayali who gets a call from the principal sir of Dilip’s college. The principal informs Sayali that Dilip has not submitted the college fees before the stipulated time. If the fees will not be submitted within a day, he will have to spend a year in the same class again. Though Sayali gets surprised, she promises she will submit the fees within a day. After submitting the fees, Sayali calls her brother to know about the matter but Dilip cuts the call since he was working under Chitti.
Renuka meets her friend Shakuntala outside of the house. Renuka describes all the incidents of the last few days. She boasts of her elder son Tejas who has been working in a big company. Renuka is also rid off the presence of Sayali and Sachin. She doesn’t want them in her house anymore, Shakuntala is requested to tell her a plan through which she can manipulate Sayali and Sachin to go outside of the house. Shakuntala wants to talk to her sitting in a peaceful place and decides to visit a nearby restaurant.
Incidentally, Renuka and Shakuntala visit the same restaurant in where Tejas works. He is already pressurized for his due work. When he notices his mother and Shakuntala aunty have been coming through the gate, he becomes totally screwed up. He runs here and there to hide his face.
When Sachin returns from his work, he is told everything about Dilip who has not submitted his college fees yet. They both doubt whether Dilip has connected himself with that vogue team of Chitti. Later, Sachin meets Dilip in his college and asks him to be causes about his own life otherwise he will be rusticated.
Sachin shows the picture of his marriage to his father. Paresh appreciates the photos in where Sachin and Sayali both are looking very beautiful. But Tejas finds out some drawbacks of the photos. Sachin becomes very irritated with his word and again raises question about his job. Renuka doesn’t show any interest about their photo.
Episode ends.
Precap: Paresh will be admitted in the hospital for the poisonous oil of mosquito. Sayali will be blamed for this situation. Sachin will want to know the incident in details.
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