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The episode starts with Yuvika coming home. Bhoomi asks Yuvika why she didn’t answer her calls. She says this is the first time she was not present in the Pooja time. She asks Yuvika to pray to Krishna Ji. Yuvika prays to Krishna to help her. Bhoomi asks Yuvika to tell her what’s running in her mind. Isha says to Yuvika that they need to outsmart Talwars before they plan another attack. Yuvika says she sought the help of Asur to defeat Talwars. Bhoomi asks who is that Asur. Yuvika leaves from there without answering her.

The doctor checks Yash. He asks if he is taking his medicine regularly. Yash says he is getting blackouts sometimes. The doctor says your heart condition is good, note in which situation you’re blacking out. Yash agrees.

Outside, Shalini asks the Doctor if donor heart feelings affect Yash’s behaviour. The doctor says medically it’s not proven but in some cases it happens. He says Yash didn’t tell about it. Shalini says she casually questioned him. The doctor asks Shalini to consult the psychologist he suggested for Yash’s betterment. Shalini agrees and decides to keep Yuvika away from Yash.

Yuvika asks her dad’s photo to support her. DJ thinks about Yuvika’s proposal.

The next day, the Trustees come to Mahajan’s house. They ask Yuvika why she arranged the meeting at home as everything ended and their licence was cancelled for 3 months. Yuvika says she knows how to tackle it. She shows them the man (Rana) who gave her a sweet Box. She asks him who hired him. Rana says he didn’t know the person. She warns him to admit the truth in front of Mr Shenoy. Trustees ask if Mr Shenoy believes Rana’s words. Vidur says Mr Shenoy gave a chance for Yuvika to prove her innocence. Yuvika calls DJ and asks how found out about Rana. DJ says he has his connections. She tells him that work is not yet completed.

Yuvika shows CCTV footage to Mr Shenoy. Mr Shenoy understands that Rana was the culprit. He handovers Rana to the police. He lifts the ban on Mahajans. Yuvika happily comes out from the Mr Shenoy office. Media people air the news on channels and call Yuvika a true heir to the Mahajan group. Yuvika calls DJ. DJ says he finished the work and asks her to fulfill her promise.

Yash sees Yuvika news on Tv. Akshat asks how Yuvika proved her innocence in one day. Dhanaraj and Gargi think someone might have helped Yuvika to prove her innocence. They think who that person is. Yuvika calls Lawyer and asks him to arrange bail for DJ. Bhanu Pratap is happy with Yuvika’s smartness. Bhoomi says to Bhanu that someone might have helped Yuvika and I want to know who is that person. Yuvika comes there and says she will tell them about that person. The lawyer goes to the police station and gives bail to DJ.

Episode ends.

Precap – Bhoomi is unhappy knowing Yuvika took DJ’s help. DJ is back home.

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