Choti Sarrdaarni which is aired on Colors TV since July has rapidly gained popularity and has been keeping the audience engrossed right from its initial episodes. Set in Punjab, the story revolves around the lives of Meher Kaur Dillon played by debut actress Nimrit Ahluwalia and Sarabjit Gill played by Avinesh Rekhi of Tu Suraj Main Saanjh Piyaji fame.
After knowing Meher is in love with an ordinary boy Manav,Her mother Kulwant Kaur who is an influential village Sarpant kills him in front of Meher and forcefully gets her married to a young widower Sarabjit Gill with a five year old son. Sarabjit is a honest politician from a well off family. Much to Kulwant’s astonishment she comes to know later that Meher is pregnant with Manav’s child. This is the story of a strong willed woman who is brave enough to face the society and stand for what is right.
Choti Sarrdaarni has a very inspiring content and focus on women empowerment but at the same time its not preachy or sad drama.One of the main reason, that makes the show a must watch is Param, the five year old son of Sarabjit. Param is just cuteness overloaded and the bond between Meher and Param is portrayed very beautifully by the makers of the show.
Yet another reason is the nok-jokh between the leads.Sarabjit and Meher is always at loggerheads in the most funny and entertaining way. The tracks of the show is interesting and keeps the audience glued with its fast moving storyline.
All in all the show is a complete family entertainer and has all the right mix of romance,humor and emotional drama for a successful daily soap.