Yaaradi Nee Mohini Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justhowbiz.net

Today the episode begins with Muthurasan urged Nilambari to tell the reason.. Nilmbari said that the cow attacks Vennila.. Muthurasan is shocked when Nilambri informs him about the occurring at the temple and enquire Vennila.. she said now I am alright…  Muthurasan laments by saying we came here to do puja but some bad omen stopped our puja…

Nilambari convince him by saying don’t worry us will come one day and do the puja… Muthurasan became upset… Nilambari said some bad omen.. Stopped our puja… so tell Azghappan to bring the Gokul afterwards..

Muthurasan thought for a while… Nilambari, Maruthu, Swetha became happy.. Muthurasan agrees and asked Nilambari to phone… but Azghappan won’t pick the phone… Muthurasan urged them to go… so all went into the car.. Swetha looked at the cow and said I won’t leave you…easily…

On the other side, Azghappan arrives to Pondicherry to search Gokul… Swetha, Poongothai, Nilambari continuously phone to Azghappan but he blocked there number… Later, Azghappan phone to Gokul…

Gokul is staying with his friend Krishna.. Gokul is shaving…. at that moment he received a phone call from Azghappan.. Gokul picks up the call. Azghappan said that tell the address I am in Pondicherry.. I will take you with me.. Gokul said I have some desire so first I have to fulfill that one… and he refused… and asked Azghappan to come to office.. and ends the call.

Krishna noticed everything and asked him why are lied to him… Gokul said they urged to marry.. but I have other desires… so I refused…. The latter, Gokul looked at Krishna and said why don’t you marry her…

 Krishna asked what.. your family members searching a girl for you… why don’t you marry her.. Krishna said I fall in love with my cousin Vennila but she married her cousin Muthurasan… After that i don’t think about that..

At that moment Roshini phones Krishna and asks him to meet her.. and said I am Vennila’s friends… Krishnan agrees.. and ends the call. Krishna said to Gokul that just now we talk Vennila… what happen to Vennila.. Gokul said don’t get panic..

Appu went to Muthurasan room.. Muthurasan became upset.. and asked him why are sitting sadly.. why don’t you drink tea.. Muthurasan screams by saying this tea is very important.. Karthik asked what happen..

Muthurasan explain everything to Karthik…Appu pacifies a worried Muthurasan.  Janani said if Vennila wear some dark sari the cow will attack.. Muthurasan call her and asked what is the color of the sari.. She said Red..

All laughs.. Swetha stares them.. Muthurasan said red sari is terrible to cow so that its hit you.. and asked her to don’t call Azghappan.. Swetha became anger and left the room..

She went and shouts at Nilambari by saying we tries to stopped Azghappan but this Karthik spoil all our plans.. Appu enter into the room and enquire Swetha.. but Swetha rebukes Appu when she finds out about the cow attacking her..

With this the episode ends…