Ziddi Dil Maane Na Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justhowbiz.net
The episode starts with Karan instructing team mates. He calls Bala and he comes forward. He tries climbing the rope but falls down. Sid hears his cries and Dilwar says that he’s used to it. He also adds that everyone screams when Karan trains them but while leaving they become best cadets. Mrs. Bhatra comes there with a dish made for him. He jokes with her but also notices the sadness in her voice. He asks what happened but she tries to hide. After lots of pursuing she finally reveals that he reminds her of her late son who left her during an accident. Sid cheers her up and eats the dish. He praises her for it. On the other hand, Karan is still scolding trainees for not performing well. Even after numerous tries, Monami falls down from the rope. Karan taunts her when Sid comes there to help her when she gets hurt. He taunts him too.
Mona gets checked by doctor for injury. Sanjana asks if she’s fine. She’s about to leave when Sid comes there. He asks if she’s fine but Mona starts beating him. She blames him for all the trouble and cries whether he wants her to be rusticated. She says that she’s going to say the truth to everyone. Sid stops her and says that he found the tattoo girl. Mona gets excited.
Suman and trainees discuss that Karan and Mona seems to have love hate relationship and soon they would become couple. Mona gets shocked in learning that he’s talking about Sanjana. She asks him to get rid of his thoughts as its impossible. She says that she wishes they become one but it’s really not possible. Sid denies to her words and says that he finally found a goal in his life which is Sanjana. Monami tries making him understand but in vain. Sid leaves the place while Mona is worried.
Sanjana gets another gift and trainees tries finding from whom it is. They try peeking when Sid comes there. Sanjana opens the gift to find a jewel with note. The note reads to wear it if she likes and get in a car that would come to pick her up in the evening. Hashtag girl takes help from Sid to look at the gift. Sanjana catches them. Sanjana asks what they were watching and Sid says gift. Sanjana is about to hit him when she hears shouting. She rushes there to find Suman and Koel fighting. Faizi tries stopping them but in vain. Koel by mistake hits Faizi and she apologizes. Sanjana asks what happened and scolds them for fighting. Suman says that she stole her favourite ladoos and shows her the crumps under her bed. Sanjana lifts the comforter and asks what it is. Koel gets shocked.
Precap : Karan advises Sanjana to go to the date. Karan helps Mona learn climbing and falls into eye lock.
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Ziddi Dil Maane Na 13th September 2021 Written Update: Sid takes up the test to join the academy.