Ziddi Dil Maane Na Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justhowbiz.net

The episode starts with Ustad asking Param for Bhatra Sir’s cabin key for cleaning. Param gets doubtful and follows Ustad. He finds Ustad opening a secret locker and getting files from it. He understands that Bhatra Sir keeps his confidential documents in the locker. Ustad closes the locker when Param comes there. Ustad immediately closes the locker and leaves. Param thinks that he would get whatever we want from the locker. Ustad calls Bhatra and informs about getting the files without Param knowing it. The cadets discuss about how to handle Abhay and Sid wants to thrash him. Koel says against it. Karan gives idea that Dadi pretended to arrest Abhay and he’s out now and the information could help them get Nikhil’s custody. Everyone praises Karan for thinking so smart like Karan and leaves. Chitra flirts with him and Monami sends them both for coffee.

Param tries various pass codes but couldn’t open the locker. He then opens the locker with Karan’s birthday dates and gets hold of all the security codes. Monami who was passing by notices it all. Param clicks picture of the code and the paper got ink stained. He throws them in dustbin and leaves. Monami checks the papers and finds that it has security codes. She hides the paper when Karan comes there to get his wallet. Monami pretends like she came into the room to check why it’s opened and gives his wallet. Param agrees and she leaves immediately. She decides to inform it to Karan soon. Chitra buys a single coffee and wants to share with Karan while Karan tries making excuse. Karan gets a message and while he was involved in it Chitra asks whether he likes her. He gives his nod and Chitra leaves hugging him happily.

Monami informs Karan about whatever happened. Karan says that Param got hold of the security codes and calls Bhatra. He informs about whatever happened and Bhatra understands what could have happened. He appreciates Monami and says that he would change the security codes. He asks Karan to expose Param soon and Karan says they would soon have their final strike. He cuts the call and Monami notices Chitra’s lipstick mark on his cheeks. She gets angry at him and leaves without hearing his explanation. Faizi comes to Koel and Nikhil and Koel says about Nikhil’s silent treatment towards her. Faizi calls Nikhil to play cards and during game he speaks with Koel. Nikhil asks if they planned it to send him out of the academy. Faizi says no one can send him out as they have already made a plan. Nikhil asks if it’s true and he promises the same. Nikhil gets convinced.

Mridula scolds Abhay for going there and Abhay says he can’t afford to lose both Koel and Nikhil. Mridula suggests him to make some proof showing that he was away somewhere yesterday while she would take care of the rest. Param gets his men’s call who says that the codes he sent were wrong. Param gets shocked and asks how’s it possible. They say every code is wrong and asks whether someone found that he got hold of the codes. Param recalls Monami giving him his wallet and checks the dustbin. He finds the security code papers he threw miss and understands that Monami found his truth.

Precap : Param will check Monami’s stuff when Monami will enter her room at the same time. She will find her things scattered and will spot Param with a covered face. Param will hit her with a plant making her unconscious.

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Ziddi Dil Maane Na 26th May 2022 Written Update: Koel runs away from marriage.