Mumbai born top actor Parth Samthaan is celebrating his birthday today. Sexy hunk always amazes his fans with his stellar on-screen performance. Samthaan’s hard work made him earn millions fans across the globe. He currently, celebrates 2.7M followers on instagram and counting. Parth’s fan under the hastag #HappyBirthdayParthSamthaan is celebrating his 30th birthday. With handsome hunk turning 30, here we highlights some well-known facts about Parth. Read them out below!
#HappyBirthdayParthSamthaan: Best known facts about Parth Samthaan!
He acts well:
He skips the beat with his top notch performance. Be it Manik Malhotra or Anurag Basu; Parth’s played character always steal our heart. He surely brings life to the characters.
His gym bod is swoon worthy:
Parth has sexy physique, he surely makes his female fan to drool over his gym bod. Shirtless Samthaan has a separate fan base.
His laughter makes our day:
Samthaan’s smile is infectious. His one laughter always melts the heart. Parth look adorable when he simply smile.
He is romance king:
There is no denying. With Erica Fernandes and Niti Taylor, sexy hunk has set sizzling chemistry with both the dazzling diva. Parth is romance king truly!
He sets trend:
When it comes to set trend Parth surely does that. Be it acting or fashion; Parth rock and rule heart. Everyone surely loves to replicate Samthaan’s style and grace.
So these are well-known facts about Parth. Let’s see what more you add.
On professional front, Parth Samthaan was last seen in Kasauti Zindagi Kay playing the character of Anurag Basu. Hunk was paired opposite to sexy diva Erica Fernandes. Show also starred Hina Khan as Komolika. Parth’s Jodi with Hina Khan has a separate fan base.
Parth Samthaan is celebrating his birthday with his close friends and Kasauti Zindagi Kay co-stars. Actress Hina Khan share instagram story from Parth’s birthday bash. Check below!
Lastest Update:
Parth Samthaan will soon make his digital debut with Alt Balaji’s upcoming web series.
Stay tuned with us for more news, spoilers and latest updates.
Team JustShowbiz wishes Parth Samthaan a very happy Birthday!