Bharathi kannamma Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on

The episode starts with Venu thank Kannamma for visiting Hema. Kannamma tells him that she came here for Hema. Anjali comes there both hugs each other. Kannamma appreciates her for the change over. Soundarya tells her that Anjali changed a lot if she stays with her she will understand it. Kannamma says to her that she can see it through her eyes. Anjali leaves from there to attend the call. Soundarya questions her Is she left Lakshmi alone in house? She informs to her that Sumathi and Tulasi is there. Tualsi takes Lakshmi to hospital.

Kannamma gets surprise to see it. She enquires to Tulasi why did she take her here? She informs to Kannamma that Lakshmi didn’t allow her to stay in home after learning Hema is not well. Lakshmi enquires to Soundarya how is she now? She informs to her that Kannamma saved her.

Lakshmi meets Hema and shares their loves each other. Soundarya reminds the past and gets emotional. Hema informs to Lakshmi that she is not moving to America. Lakshmi feels happy to hear it and shares her happiness with her. She tells her let’s enjoy after she came out. kannamma takes Lakshmi out.

Lakshmi says to Kannamma that she is so happy now because Hema is not moving to America. Kannamma asks him to stop expecting too much because Bharathi is different he may take her to America after Hema got well. Lakshmi deny it. Kumar praises Kannamma for saving Hema From danger. Tulasi also supports her and says to Kannamma that Hema woke up after Kannamma called her. None can able to do it.

Lakshmi says that Kannamma has magic in her hand. Kannamma tells them she is using love to cure her. Everyone has this magic but many persons are not using it. Tulasi says that Hema turned to be very happy after she saw Kannamma. Kannamma tells her she has no idea why she is so connected to her. Lakshmi says to her even she is connected to Bharathi a lot the same way. Kannamma says to her that she can’t able to stop herself from meeting Hema when she was sick. Lakshmi questions her will Hema study in same school? Kannamma asks her to stop expecting a lot.

Soundarya is feeding to Hema. She refuses to eat and searches for Kannamma? She says to Soundarya she will only eat if she feed her! She wanna see her. Soundarya tells her that she has some important works to do that’s why she left. Hema says to her she is lying may Bharathi asked her to leave. Soundarya tells her that Bharathi didn’t done it she is misunderstanding him. Venba thinks that Hema is doing too much if she do like this Bharathi will bring her again.

Venu assures to her that he will take her to Kannamma after she got well. Doctor checks Hema and says to all that she has 102 degree. He can discharge her. Bharathi questions her how will he discharge her in this situation? Doctor says to him clearly no medicine can cure her problem. Only Kannamma can cure it. She will get well soon if she stays with Kannamma one week. Kannamma is her medicine. Bharathi leaves from there angrily. Doctor asks Soundarya to stop Bharathi from taking any decision in Hema’s matter he is dealing it in wrong way.

Venba thinks that everything going out of her hand. Hema says to Soundarya that it won’t happen. Bharathi don’t like Kannamma is he won’t allow her to stay with her. Soundarya assures to her she will definitely bring her to home. Soundarya questions Venba why is she silent? Doesn’t she has any thought about it why don’t she provoke Bharathi now?

Venu questions Bharathi why did he left while talking here. Doctor says to Bharathi clearly that she is saying this for Hema not favouring anyone here. Bharathi refuses to sign in the discharge from. Soundarya sign in it and advises to Bharathi to go and bring Kannamma here.

Episode ends.