Bharathi kannamma Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on

The episode starts with Sumathi takes Kannamma to office room. Kannamma informs to her that she wants to apply for the scholarship. She replies to Kannamma that we will select student randomly. She must give her income certificate. Kannamma nods and register the form. Venba is thinking that Hema is Bharathi’s daughter its clear in DNA certificate. Then Hema’s mother is Kannamma but who is Lakshmi? Is Kannamma knew that Hema is her own daughter?

Chanceless that’s why she is not reacting. She wishes to stop Kannamma meeting Hema. Venba excuses Bharathi and leaves. Bharathi notices Lakshmi and stops her. She informs to him that she is searching for her mom. Bharathi comments that her mom is hiding from his sight. Lakshmi questions him why should her mom hides from him? Neither he is not police nor her mom is thief. She is working here may she is meeting someone.

Bharathi says to her that she is supporting her mom a lot. Is she like her mom a lot? She replies as lot. She questions him back Doesn’t he like his mom? Lakshmi informs to him that her father didn’t meet her yet? Her mom is suffering a lot to give education to her. She wants to be a IAS. He appreciates her. She questions him Is doctor is higher then collector? He replies to her both are important.

Teacher is giving dance practice to Hema. Kannamma comes near Hema. She questions her why did she stop calling her as aunty? She replies to her that her grandma asked her to call her as cooking mom. But she likes to call her as mom. Hema says to her that she searched for her but grandma said she won’t come today. She asks Kannamma to watch her dance till the end. Kannamma questions her Is she likes her lot? She replies as yes. Hema shares to her that she wants to hug her. Kannamma hugs her. Soundarya notices them and feels happy.

Kannamma thinks why did Hema is loving her so much? She feels like Hema is her own daughter. Soundarya thinks that Hema is Kannamma’s daughter. Soundarya says that she seperated her daughter from her. Soundarya comes near her and starts a conversation with her. Soundarya enquires to her about Lakshmi? Hema informs to her that she talked with Lakshmi. Soundarya think both sisters started speak with each other. Soundarya asks Kannamma to stay till the programme end. Soundarya excuses her.

Soundarya informs to Venu that Kannamma is here. She complaints to them that Kannamma behaving like stranger. Akhil wishes to meet her but Soundarya stops him. Programme starts. Kannamma and Sumathi reaches there. Bharathi is chief guest of the programme. Venba comes there. Anchor keeps praising Bharathi. She announces that he is giving free scholarship to 5 students. Bharathi selecting the students. He announces the names one by one. All are cheering for the students. Sumathi says to Kannamma that she prays Lakshmi get a seat here.

Kannamma replies to her if she don’t get seat then she will be happy. Bharathi announces Lakshmi name. Sumathi and Lakshmi feels happy. Soundarya reminds that Hema mentioned Lakshmi name as well as Kannamma. She doubts something. Lakshmi says to Kannamma that her name announced. Sumathi informs to her that Kannamma gave her name for scholarship.

Bharathi announces the full name of the baby as Soundarya Lakshmi. Lakshmi feels happy. Soundarya understands its her grand daughter. Kannamma is not allowing Lakshmi to go to the stage. Sumathi and Lakshmi is pleads to Kannamma to leave her. Kannamma is adamant in her decision. Sumathi takes Kannamma hand. Lakshmi runs towards the stage.

Episode end.