Bharathi Kannamma Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on

Bharathi kannamma is famous Vijay tv show. This show revealing truth one by one to entertain its audience. Now serial concentrating on Lakshmi trying to find out who is her father? Will she find out her father?

In Today’s episode we see; Venu gets surprised to see Lakshmi coming with Hema from school. He asks her why is she here today? Lakshmi questions him how could she call him? He tells her that she used to call him as grand father so she can call him in that way. She says to Akhila and Anjali hereafter she will call them the way Hema mentioning them. Mallika gives juice to Hema. Lakshmi demands her to give juice to her also. She surprised everyone there by mentioning Hema is her sister. Soundarya asks them why is she calling her as sister? Hema complaints that she was the one asked her to treat her as sister.

Soundarya nods to her. Soundarya asks Mallika to give juice to Lakshmi. Akhil asks her who is elder sister in it? Lakshmi adds that she is elder to Hema. Everyome gets happy to listen their kiddish talk. Bharathi comes there surprising all. Lakshmi feels possessiveness seeing the way Bharathi pampering Hema there. Family members feels bad to see Lakshmi is sad. Lakshmi thinks that she can’t able to mention him as dad and get his love.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Soundarya will share to Kannamma about Lakshmi calling Bharathi Doctor Appa. Bharathi will saved by Lakshmi from a falling fan. On a School Excursion, Soundarya will get surprise to meet her close friend Vikram.

What will happen next? Will Kannamma find out the truth? Who is the mysterious person?

Upcoming episode will answer to our all questions stay tune with our space for more updates..