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The show begins with Day 29 at 11.40 pm, Azeem reading new luxury budget task information. He shares with them that Bigg Boss house will turns to a sweet factory this week. They wants to show their hardwork and struggle in this task. When owners refused to raise your salary they wants to strike for it. There will be two factory. Housemates should concentrate to cook more sweets from their opponents. Bigg Boss will give order at any time. 7 contestants should be select for Quality check. When buzzer plays two quality checkers will check the sweets quality and announce the points to Bigg Boss. Remaining 5 housemates are workers. Each team wants to choose their owner, head and manager to their team. One person should take Delivery. Their savings will choose the winner of the task. Who performed well in the task and best performer of the team will go to Nomination free task. Azeem narrates the rules to them.

At 12.30 am, Azeem asks the Housemates to choose the 7 quality checkers first. Aysha, Ram, Queency, Mynaa, Robert, Nivaa, Manikandan.

Azeem announced the teams members name. Team A are Kathir, ADK, Vickraman, Azeem and Maheshwari. Team B are Amudhavanan, Ratchitha, Janany and Dhanalakshmi and Shivin.

Team A sweet factory name is Ada Then Adai. Team B sweets factory name is Kanna Laddu Thinna Aasaiya. Housemates claps for them. Later, Aysha and Ram decided to go for first order Quality check.

At 1.00am, Manikandan asks Maheshwari to take care of the team. Opponents are very strong. She is the only girl in her group. But it’s easy to steal the money from their group. Shivin sharing her ideas with her group.

Day 30 at 7.30 am, Morning wake up song plays inside the house. Housemates are dancing for the song ” Kutchi mittai kuruvirotti” and greets each other

At 8.45 am, Buzzer plays inside the house. Both teams are pushing each other to take the product name. Azeem team takes one and Amudhavanan team takes one. Dhanalakshmi steals the products name from Azeem team. Manikandan alerts them that they stole their products. Azeem asks them Is this new strategy? Robert says that it’s wrong actually. Mynaa asks him to control his emotions. Team B shows their products to camera.

At 9.15 am, Shivin collects their products from the store room. She says to Ratchitha that products came. Buzzer plays there. Both team starts fighting to take their products. Azeem complaints that Amudhavanan broke the belt. Amudhavanan says that it’s not belt. It’s came to his hand when he lost his balance. It seems he is waiting to accuse him. Azeem denied it. Both team shows their products name to camera.

At 9.25 am, Shivin collects their team things and shares to them that cardamon sent to both teams. It’s seems they will pass the products to them if they hold it. Azeem shares with him team that they wants to tear the products name at least to get the products.

At 9.40 am, Buzzer plays again both teams are fighting to take the things.

At 10.05 am, Bigg Boss asks the both teams to start preparing sweets.

At 10.45 am, Buzzer plays there both teams rushed to take the things. Ratchitha alerts them it’s a break. Aysha asks the housemates to eat the food in break time. They won’t get free time again so use this time to finish food.

At 11.45 am, Bigg Boss gives the order to both teams. He asks them to give 150 piece. They will send this sweets to childrence for Kamal Hasan birthday. Housemates appreciates it. He adds that only 20 minutes time for them to give delivery. Count down starts.

At 12.20 pm, Aysha and Ram are checking the sweets stall and it’s hygiene. Azeem says to Aysha that they aren’t able to take responsibility if they ruin its shape while quality checking. Ram and Aysha are checking it. She inquires Maheshwari what did they extra added in it? Maheshwari says that they added Cardamon in it. Aysha says to them that she didn’t get cardamon taste in it. Teams starts interrupting her results. Aysha asks them to let her speak. Aysha says to them that she noted cardamon in their stall. Vickram says to her that childrence going to eat it so they didn’t added extra in it. They used Cardamon to decorate it. Aysha confirms with them about the details again.

At 1.10 pm, Aysha says to them that they didn’t maintained hygienic.
Azeem arguing with Aysha that she is lying. Aysha is adamant in her decision. She says to them that Azeem worked without using gloves. She will doubt that he touched the sweets without gloves too. He wiped his sweat sign tissue and worked with same glouse again. His sweat touch in it. Azeem denied it. Aysha says that it’s her point. Minus point to them. Azeem says that they are only quality checkers not hygienic one. Aysha says that she is doing her duty and giving respect to them. But they are not giving it return to her. She asks ADK to check his teammates attitude. Aysha complaints that ADK touched the sweets after he touched the hair cap. There is a argument going between both of them.

ADK says to Aysha that it hurt him personally when she asked them eat on break. They are workers not slave their. Ram shouldn’t have asked him to mention him as sir. They are in Tamilnadu so giving respect to everyone is important. Hair stucked in his cap it was a mistake. No one tried to help him there. Aysha says that she don’t understand it. Bigg Boss asks the quality checker to give the points. Aysha says that she rejected three yellow box reasoning three sweets box shape isn’t good and tasting different. Remaining three box are perfect. Totally 91 pieces.

At 1.25 pm, Amudhavanan praise ADK. He says to Vickram that he may be surprised to see someone talking better than him. Vickram says that he likes other talking well. Stop portraying him in wrong. Amudhavanan says that it’s just a joke. Vickraman says to him its not a joke. Amudhavanan brings some old incidents there to accuse him. Both starts arguing over this issue.

At 1.45 pm, Team B Gives their sweets for quality check. Shivin explains to Aysha about the ingredients and the way they decorated it. Aysha says to Team B that she noticed that Shivin didn’t used her gloves too. She adds that Ratchitha didn’t changed her gloves and keeps working with it. Their presentation was good. Azeem and ADK complaints that she didn’t ask many questions to them but showed attitude to their team. Aysha says that Shivin explain everything to her. When she gave her comments to them. They didn’t argued with her like that. Azeem says that they showed the reaction for her action. Aysha asks him to check the difference between both of their sweets box. Azeem accepts that their presentation is amazing. Aysha announces that 120 pieces are selected.

Bigg Boss asks them to seal both team boxes and give the delivery.

At 3.00 pm, Bigg Boss send money to them. Team A gets 910 points and Team B gets 1200 points.

At 3.20 pm Bigg Boss asks the housemates to choose the owner of their team. Team A choose Vickraman and Team B Dhanalakshmi as their owner.

Bigg Boss asks the housemates to choose their head and Manager of their team. Team A choose Maheshwari as their team Manager. Kathir and Azeem will prepare sweets and ADK will be the delivery boy.

Team B choose Shivin as Manager. Janany and Ratchitha will prepare sweets and Amudhavanan will be a delivery boy. Manikandan and Queency will be the next quality checkers.

Buzzer plays there. Team B collects the products.

At 4.10 pm, Manikandan and Queency are doing quality check. They gives good points to Team B. He says to Team A that consistency isn’t here. It’s too much sweet. They rejects their sweet Box.

At 4.45 pm, Maheshwari questions Vickraman why didn’t he hears her suggestions? Azeem argues with Maheshwari. Vickraman apologize to her for not listened to her. He got influenced. Azeem and Maheshwari are arguing with each other. Azeem says to him that he wants to quiet.

Episode end

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Bigg Boss Tamil 7th November 2022 Written Update: