Actor Abhinav Kapoor who will be seen playing the role of Balwan, in Star Plus’ upcoming show “Ek Aastha Aisi Bhi” produced by Shoonya Square Productions shares a special bond with her co-actor Tina Philip. Abhinav has found sister in actress Tina Philip off screen and they bond like blood siblings in their private life.
“Tina is just like my sister. She owns me like a brother and I’m there whenever she needs me. We are like family. Infact we go for morning jogging every day. I am very much concern about my health and even concern about my family’s health. I want to see them very much fit. So, the way I help them I have started caring about Tina too.” Abhinav told in a statement.
Talking about the same Tina qoutes, “Abhinav is my brother and family in Mumbai as my family lives in UK. He and his family are my family here. Abhinav has always looked out for me and has made me feel part of his family gatherings, festivals and celebrations. I love his mom’s cooked food and she always cares to pack a tiffin box for me. We go for jogging as well when we are not shooting. He makes me run for 2.5 km everyday and keeps me motivated. He takes his role as my brother as professionally as he takes his fitness and work”
The show “Ek Aastha Aisi Bhi” will be aired on Star Plus soon.