Dharam Patni Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on justshowbiz.net

In the current episode, Pratiksha was being questioned by Dadi and Mandip regarding the halwa with garlic in it. She arrived at the dining room with another bowl of halwa. She had already seen Kavya mixing garlic in her halwa so she had already prepared another halwa beforehand. Dadi asked her why she had prepared the halwa twice.

Pratiksha said that she did it since Pratiksha ruined her previous halwa. When Pratiksha proved that it was Kavya who ruined her halwa, Mandip tried to distract Dadi. Ravi and Pratiksha fed each other halwa on Dadi’s request. After that Pratiksha served the halwa prasad to the other family members and dadi gifted her the nath and blessed her.

In the upcoming episode, when Mandip would be misbehaving with Kinjal and Parul, Dadi would be seen speaking to Mandip firmly. She would be telling Mandip that it was also her house and she had rights over the house and to welcome her guests.

Ravi would be seen sitting close to Pratiksha and caressing her and telling her that now when she had become his dharam patni, he would take care of her and do everything that a husband is supposed to do for his wife.

Kavya would be seen becoming more and more insecure listening to Ravi and Pratiksha from outside their closed door. Kavya and her mother would be seen conspiring against Pratiksha as always.

To know more, keep watching your favourite show Dharam Patni only on Voot and Colors.