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The Episode starts with Bunty talking to the client. He finalizes the house deal. He says Jhumri, get sweets, the house deal got final. The man leaves. Bunty keeps the cheque. Suman asks Shravan to rotate the arm.
 Shravan says you want me to dance on your sign. Suman asks what’s your new trouble. He says have some respect for your fellow mates. They argue. She says I can see your recovery and tell you. She gets hurt. He cares for her.
She says you should trust your doctor, you should ask for any other doctor. Shravan asks when did I say that. Bunty calls him and says house is sold, I already took the token money, I will talk to them if you say. Shravan says its good to leave the city, there are no good memories.
 Suman does the bandage. Shravan says treat me in one week, I have no time,the case verdict will come, the house will get sold, I will get free from the past, my wounds will also heal, shall I leave. Suman says avoid movement of the arm, it needs complete rest. He goes. The lady says I think you know him, I felt so. Suman scolds the junior.
Goyal talks to Ramesh and Beena. Beena says we will need time to find a buyer for the house. Goyal agrees. He leaves. Suman asks who was he. Beena says no one, he is Ramesh’s old friend, he came to meet us. Veer scares her. Suman goes after him. Beena says don’t tell anything to Suman.
Bunty and Bassi have an arm wrestling game. Bassi wins. Bunty loses. Shravan says I will fight now. He recalls Suman’s words. He says Bunty, I will fight next time. Bassi asks what happened. Shravan says Dr. Suman told me to avoid arm movements.
Bassi says I got to know she is your assigned doctor. Shravan says she makes issue of every little issue. His friend says if there is nothing left, then just go on your own paths. Bunty says he is right.
Vikram asks Suman to talk. He says I m very happy. She says I wanted to tell about my past. He asks what’s the matter that made you nervous. She says many times, we don’t find it easy to say, but I want to tell you, you should know.
He says I felt our friendship is one sided. She smiles and says you are very nice, it might be one sided before but, She disconnects Shravan’s call. Shravan says I m your patient, why can’t you talk, its an emergency. Vikram says talk to your patient. Suman says he is mad. He says talk to your patient, I forgot something, I will just get it.
 Shravan calls her. She answers and says if you don’t have to say anything then, Shravan argues. She says look at your attitude. He says you know people’s small thinking, I don’t want anyone to see us together, girls are jealous, don’t tell our past to anyone. She says that past doesn’t matter to me. He says fine, we will behave maturely.
She taunts him as immature man. She asks him to behave as if he doesn’t know her. Vikram comes and gifts her something. He says when I saw this at the shop, I just thought of you. Suman thinks if Shravan isn’t thinking about past, why shall I think of it, I can move on with Vikram, why to look behind. She says it was not needed, thanks. He says don’t think much, tell me what were you saying. She says I had run away from home when I was in 12th standard, I wanted to play pool, fights started there and I had to run saving my life. Vikram smiles. She says I didn’t tell this to anyone. He starts laughing.
He says you are so cute, I know you well, you would have not started that fight, any friend would have done it, right. She recalls Shravan. Suman thinks how did I remember this, Shravan one call made me think this. He asks who was that friend. Suman says maybe you don’t know me, it was me, thanks for the dinner and gift, I will leave now. He says good night. She leaves.
Shravan says one incident ruins a family. He sees Suvan written and erases it. Suman looks on and cries. Vikram invites Shravan in his birthday party. Suman calls Vikram to talk.
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Ek Duje Ke Vaste 28th September 2020 Written Update: Will these two lovers meet?