Gokulathil Seethai Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on Justhowbiz.net

Zee Tamil Popular comedy-drama Gokulathil Seethai never failed to entertain the audience with its funny twists and turns. Earlier we saw that Suchitra planned to change Arjun’s mind. Arjun saves Vasu from a fire mishap. Now viewers will see Inya to plot against Vasu.

In the previous episode, Arjun scolded Inya for ruined the meeting. As planned by Inya, Ellamaran pretended to be injured. He sought Vasu’s help. Inya recorded this and send it to Arjun. Ellamaran pretended in front of Vasu. Ellamaran controlled his pain when Uthman beat him. Uthman’s words scared Ellamaran. Suchitra decided to send Vasu out of the outhouse. Inya and Gandhimathi tried to reveal it to Vasu. Arjun and Uthman stopped Gandhimathi and Inya. Arjun’s smart move change Suchitra’s mindset.

In today’s episode, Arjun pretends to be upset before Vasu. He wishes to spend time with Vasu. He asks for a plan for Uthman. Uthman comes up with a plan. He informs Vasu that Arjun wishes to spend time in a pub. Vasu tries to stop Arjun but in vain. Inya informs Suchitra that Arjun wants to spend time with Vasu. The latter, She goes with Arjun. Arjun is on cloud nine when Vasu is with him. In the pub, Vasu changes her costume. Arjun admires Vasu’s new costume. There Vasu unknowingly drinks the alcohol. Arjun uses this as an opportunity to spend time with Vasu. Vasu opens up to Arjun. Arjun gets emotional after learning how much Vasu loves him.

Will Suchitra come to the pub?
How will Arjun deal with Inya? Will Suchitra accept Vasu? Will Arjun confess his feelings to Vasu?All these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes. To know what will happen next in your favorite show Gokulathil Seethai, stay tuned to this space.