Gud Se Meetha Ishq Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on

Star Bharat’s love story “Gud Se Meetha Ishq” is going through some interesting twists and turns. Where on one hand, Phool Singh is back in the picture raising so many eyebrows of the fans of the show.

There Kajal and Neil are coming more close with each other and most of the family members are slowly being soft to Kaju. In the upcoming story of the show it will be interesting to see how the dynamics between Neil, Kajal and Pavitra are shaped up. Also with Pari slowly gaining a grip on herself she can emerge as the biggest support to Kajal.

In the current episode of the show, Kajal will be questioned by Sonia and Nutan about the broken handle of the window. However, she will cover up the incident of Phool Singh and remain mum.

Neil demanded a court case to be filed against Phool Singh from his father and he denied saying he wouldn’t take any risk for an outsider like Kajal keeping the security of his entire family at stake.

Finally Pari will gain blessings from JD for her performance and getting cash as her first income ever. She handed over the money to JD telling him to keep this. Neil understands that Kajal is being a target in the family and JD is surely not ready to consider her at all.
In the upcoming episodes of the show, Kajal will express all her feelings for Neil in a letter being overwhelmed. Pari delivers it to Neil’s desk thinking he better read it. Bhoomi got hold of it and decided to blow it up out of proportion. Now what will happen next in the lives of Kajal and Neil ? To know more info, stay tuned with this page.