Iniya Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on

Sun TV’s newly launched show ” Iniya” is about an arrogant cop, Vickram, married to an open-minded girl. Iniya to teach her a hard lesson, while Iniya’s forced to tie the knot out of love for her sister and their mother’s dying wish. Currently, they show Vickram will mistreating Iniya

In the previous episode we saw; Gauri noticed Vickram reading the letter. Nalla Shivam scolds Gauri for manipulating Vickram. He complained to Vickram that Iniya was the reason for his state. Gauri denied it and complained that Nalla Shivam was the reason for his state. Vickram fumes and breaks the glass.

Later, Vickram confronts Nalla Shivam. Vickram recalled the incident. He ordered Subash to arrest Danraj. Danraj demands Vickram to repay his wife’s debt first. Vickram mistreated Iniya in anger.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Vickram will demand Iniya to talk with him in the middle of her presentation. He inquired her about Danraj. Ilango will give sweets to Nalla Shivam for his promotion. He will give credit to Iniya. Nalla Shivam insults Ilango.

What will happen next? Will Iniya expose Nalla Shivam? How will Iniya handle the situation?

The upcoming episode will answer all our questions and stay in tune with our space for more updates