K-Drama My Lovely Liar Written Update on justshowbiz.net
The episode starts with Sol Hee expressing her trust on DoHa shocking him. He brings her home and Sol Hee is busy admiring the house not worrying about the danger outside. Do Ha shared his past with Sol Hee. He recalls how Eom Ji and him where each other’s first love. However he tells that things started changing after he moved to Seoul for studies. Eom Ji becomes a controlling and toxic girlfriend who gets insecure for all the minute reasons. Having had enough of her toxicity, Do Ha lashes out in public and goes to the sea side. Eom Ji tried patching up with him calling him her dream but Do Ha wanted to break up with her. When she refused to accept he lies that he found a new girlfriend. A furius Eom Ji slits her wrist while Do gets worried. However she continued behaving psychotic and so Do Ha leaves asking her to die. Eom Ji went missing there after and Do Ha got arrested for her murder. Though he didn’t kill her, deep inside he blamed himself for her death and Sol Hee understood why she heard it a lie. She comforts him saying that he’s not at fault.
Eom Ho is having dinner and recalls escaping the security guard lying that he’s a reporter. He also.gkt to know that Do Ha moved to another location and swears to find him. Do Ha shares with Sol Hee about their first meeting in the bus and is worried that Eum Ho would identify her too. She’s surprised that he remembers her after so many years and Do Ha tells that he found her fascinating. Sol Hee blushes and asks him to come back to Yeonseodang. Do Ha asks her to stay the night there as it would be dangerous if Eom Ho spots her. He shows her the bedroom and Sol Hee demands some comfortable clothes. He gives her her rival jersey and Sol Hee takes it promising to get back with him for it. Do Ha is watching a soccer match when Sol Hee texts him that she couldn’t sleep due to hunger.
Do Ha cooks for Sol Hee and takes her to his home theatre to watch the soccer match . Do Ha asks about the freason for Sol Hee’s interest in soccer match. She recalls her father getting happy whenever he sees the soccer match despite being sad all the time. She says thst she took liking to it because of her father. However her desire grew as there is no lies in a soccer match just like with Do Ha. Do Ha tries kissing Sol Hee but she moves back . She starts having food and they both continue enjoying the match. Sol Hee’s mother visits her house but couldn’t find her as her phone is switched off. She then visits the cafe only to learn that she is nit there too. She is worried about her dating a handsome guy solely because of looks. She complains that she did the same mistake and doesn’t want Sol Hee to do the same. Sol Hee’s father is seen living in the woods as he helps some forest vloggers to have some food.
The nect day, Sol Hee wakes up who slept with Do Ha in sofas watching the match. As she tries to move, she slips and falls on Do Ha. Do Ha also wakes and Sol Hee notices people camping on screen. She wishes to do it once too. Do Ha’s mother gets upset as she’s still denied a ticket in the party. Later Do Ha takes Sol Hee to a camping site and Sol Hee complaint about them not having any materials. Soon the complete materials arrive and they both start setting up the camp. After setting it up, Do Ha makes barbecue for Sol Hee in a messed up way. He asks how did she believe him and she says that she always wanted to believe hin over her power. Kang Min and his team.gets ready to catch an offended while Jang Min is upset with Sol Hee’s rejection. Do Ha sincerely confesses his heart to Sol Hee and they both kiss. Deuk Chan texts Do Ha worried but he doesn’t pick up his calls. He later catches his wife cheating on him.
Cho Rok is heart broken after getting rejected by some random guy. She drinks a lot and embarasses herself by dancing in the bar. Oh Baek joins her to save her from the embarssment. Syaon is drinking in a bar when random men approaches her trying to flirt with her. She turns down him and moves away upset about Do Ha’s rejection. She starts singing in the bar. Kang Min is waiting for the culprit when his friend shows Kim Do Ha as the offender in his Eom Ji’s case. He gets worried about Sol Hee. Sol Hee and Do Ha come back to Yeonseodang and they both retire to their flats. Eom Ho threatens the reporter to say about Do Ha’s new location. He asks him to.go to Syaon as she seems to know his location. Eom Ho kidnaps Syaon and calls Do Ha to meet him usimg her phone. As he meets him, Eom Ho blames Do Ha for living peacefully after killing his sister. Do Ha recalls Sol Hee’s words thst he’s not at fault and says the same to Eom Ho. He reveals that he didn’t kill her but regrets for abandoning her. As he starts leaving, Eom Ho tries stabbing him but Kang Min saves him on time.
Episode ends.