Meet Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on

Zee TV new show Meet starrer Ashi Singh and Shagun Pandey has come up with a fresh concept.

As reported earlier it’s shown Babita told to Meet that she will throw her out from their house if she goes to her delivery job. Later Babita gave Meet saree she designed for her comfort. Meet thanked her than she again tried to ask her about her job than Babita warned Meet not to discuss about delivery job and she asked her to hire some personal trainer. Chavi offered to train her than Babita agreed. Chavi helped Meet to walk than she suggested her to resume her job when Babita is in her boutique. Ragini called Meet saying her husband was calling her. Masoom asked Ragini why will he call her than Ragini said he called you and Isha to choose his dress but he had to understood that Meet have to do it from here onwards. Meet and Masoom gave shirts to him and he came out wearing Meet choosed shirt.

In the upcoming episode viewers gonna witness that Meet thinks she can’t see dadi and Mom in this state and she decides to resume work and leaves from home. Masoom observes everything and tells to Chavi that today is her last day in Ahlawat house. Babita has guest and that lady asks for Meet. Ragini tells to Babita that Meet isn’t at home. Masoom informs to family members that Meet has resumed her work than Babita gets angry thinking how can she join even after I declined her request.

What’s Meet next step? Will Meet joins her delivery job against Babita?

All these questions will be answered in the upcoming episodes.

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