Mouna Raagam Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on

The episode starts with Manohar is talking someone in phone. Even Sheela inviting someone to attend the wedding through phone call. Manohar informs to Sheela that all guest reached to hotel. Just then Tharun comes there. Manohar questions him why did he came early? He says to him that he made sure all guest settled in hotel. His friends are taking care of the decoration work. He informs to him that he wishes to do the make over for Varun. Sheela questions him what’s the need of it all? Tharun Says to her its usual one in marriage time. Manohar says to him its better to ask Varun permission in it. Its a big thing he agreed to marry now. Tharun calls Varun there he comes there. He informs it to him but Varun deny it. He somehow makes him agree to do it. He takes him from there. Manohar says to Sheela that he doubted may Varun agreed to do this marriage for his sake. But it seems he like this marriage. Sheela says to him that Varun really liked Sathya it seems. Varun and Tharun leaves in their car. Sakthi stares them emotionally.

Sruthi comes near Kadhambari but she is busy in checking her mobile. Sruthi snatches her mobile and asks her to talk with her. Kadhambari questions her what’s the matter? Sruthi questions her when they are going to attend Varun marriage? Kadhambari asks to her how will they attend that marriage? It’s impossible. Rukmani comes there and questions her what’s going on here without her presence. Kadhambari complaints to her that Sruthi asking to her when are they going to attend the Varun marriage? Rukmani says that her he insulted them a lot then how will they attend that marriage? Sruthi says that her its important to attend that marriage in order to patch up with Manohar family. Rukmani says to her that Manohar clearly asks them to don’t attend the marriage. He even threw invitation down in insulting way. Sruthi stands adamant to attend the function. Rukmani adds to her that he talked a lot with them then how will they attend that marriage. If they attend it then he will insult them in front of all.

Sruthi complaints that she created all this mess. Manohar uncle came here to apologise but Rukmani the one whom mentioned Varun as mental. Whom will hear someone badmouthing their kid in this way? Manohar anger is correct. Rukmani says that she done everything for her. Sruthi asks her to stop helping her she know well what to do in it. Kadhambari asks Sruthi to be calm down she will arrange her marriage with Tharun. Sruthi shares to her that she fears Manohar will arrange Tharun marriage with someone else. Sruthi says to them clearly that whoever coming or not she will definitely attend this wedding. Kadhambari complaints to her mom why did she talking in this way?

Manohar and Sheela sitting to take dinner. Tharun and Varun comes there. Sheela praises Varun make over. Tharun says to her that he wants to see his sister in law. Sheela says to him that she is shy type she is hesitating to come out. Manohar asks Sundari to bring Sathya there. Tharun gets a phone call so he leaves to attend it. Sathya comes there Sheela asks her to sit there and take dinner. She sits beside Varun. Both stares each other and smiles. Varun reminds the way she saved him. Meanwhile Sathya reminds the promise she gave to Manohar. Varun blushes seeing Sathya. After eating Sathya takes her plate and places it in kitchen. Manohar says to Varun that she may be worrying about her mom so talk with her. He nods. Sheela warns Sathya that she shouldn’t do such work here anymore. She informs to her that Varun wishes to talk with her. She stares Varun.

Episode end.