Mouna Raagam Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip, Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist, on

Vijay tv popular show “Mouna Raagam season2” starts after a break with lots of twist and turns. Earlier we saw that Rukmani consoled Sheela. Viewers will see that Varun to learn the truth.

In Today’s episode we see; Varun meets Tharun and informs to him that he wishes to stay in Kodaikanal two more days reasoning he wishes to spend time with Sathya. Tharun assures to him let’s stay here. Manohar calls to Tharun and learns from him that Varun decided to stay in kodaikanal for few more days. Sheela gets irritate to hear it. Manohar shards his happiness to Sheela. Sheela informs this to Rukmani. She provokes Sheela against Sathya. Sheela shares a plan with her to ruin Sathya’s happiness. Sruthi meets Tharun and opens up her feelings with him.
In the upcoming episode viewers will see; Sathy will sing for Varun. Both will roam around the place and spend quality time with each other. Sathya will open up her feelings to him. Sheela will call Varun and share to him that Sathya married to him for money. She will reveal to him that Manohar gave money to her for her mother’s operation that’s why she married to him for that money. Varun will get shock to hear it.

What will happen next? Will Varun open up with Sathya? Will Varun start hate Sathya and maintain distance with her?

Upcoming episode will answer to our all questions stay tune with our space for more updates.