Sargam Ki Sade Sati Upcoming Story, Spoilers, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on

The episode starts with a lady looking at sarees and is not satisfied with anything. Alokik is making a mannequin wear saree but the mannequin is in very bad. The lady likes the saree on the mannequin and wants to buy it. While everyone gets relieved, they gets a shock when the mannequin falls on the lady and she shouts in pain. Chedhilal is travelling in auto rickshaw and creates a mess by troubling the driver.

A roadside seller gets affected by the auto driver and demands money. The auto driver says that it was Chedhi’s fault who handled the driving unit despite being seated back. Chedhi says that he rode the rickshaw more than the point he mentioned. The driver reasons out that it was crowded there and thus he parked it a little far away. Chedhi doesn’t accept his argument and denies giving two rupees. The shop owner whose pots got broken also demands a money from Chedhi.

 On the other hand, the lady threatens to file police complaint for breaking her nose. Appu tries calming her and asks Alokik to bring juice for her. Sargam offers to give the money for damage but Chedhi snatches it from her. Alokik finds the crowd and asks about it. Chedhi learns about the mishap in shop and rushes there. Sargam too follows him apologizing the driver and the pot seller.

The lady is still threatening to call police while Sargam tries compromising. She gives her a discount of 500 rupees much to Chedhi’s chagrin. Having no option, Chedhi agrees for the discount. Everyone scolds Chedhi and demands to buy a new mannequin as it is the face of a shop. Chedhi agrees to buy a second hand mannequin from Munna shop but the others ask him to buy a new one. Sargam suggests to call Raj who owns the best mannequin in the place.

 Raj visits Chedhi house with his mannequins and explains about its special features including movement and voice recording. Everyone gets impressed and Chedhi asks for the price. Raj says it costs 8000, 6000 and 4000 rupees respectively. Chedhi asks it for 500 rupees and they drop the idea. Raj fumes.

Chedhi places a second hand mannequin in his shop which is bought from Munna shop. He keeps it outside to attract customers. Everyone suggests to keep it inside but Chedhi denies. He enquires about the collection for the day and gets happy hearing the money earned. He calls the mannequin a lucky one and wished to celebrate. He asks Sargam to buy falooda for everyone and she goes out.

Sargam soon comes in and says that someone stole the mannequin. Everyone gets shocked while Chedhi demands to have the same mannequin back as its lucky one. He even calls coos but they cut the call. Sargam gives an idea to catch the thief. They buy another mannequin and keeps it outside the shop. They tie it with rope and the other end is tied around Aasthik’s leg. They wish to catch the culprit once he tries stealing the mannequin. The thief comes there and pulls the rope forcefully making Aasthik fall down. Everyone gets shocked.

Precap : Chedhi says that he can’t spend any more money on buying new mannequin. They dress up Alokik as mannequin in order to catch the thief.