Bharathi Kannamma Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on

Vijay TV’s popular show Bharathi Kannamma and Raja Rani serials are united for Mahasangamam to entertain it’s audience. Now serial focusing on Bharathi will stop Hema from going to school.

In Today’s episode we see; Rohith says to Sharmila let’s cancel his wedding because he has no option in his hand. Venba gets happy to hear it. Rohith tells her that he has no money in his hand. He is normal person now.

Shanthi says to Venba that he stopped this wedding so nothing to worry about her marriage. Sharmila says to him that his father can’t able to stop them if they get married. Rohith complaints that he don’t have money in his hand. Only one rupees in his hand now. She offers 2 lakhs money to him.

Venba says to Sharmila he is fraud but she gave money to him. She shouldn’t believe him. Sharmila tells her that she doesn’t know about his background he is highly rich person. Rohith thinks that she is believing all his lies. Later Bharathi stops Hema from attending the school. Family members questions him but he is against in his decision.

In the upcoming episode viewers will see: Venu will vomit blood he hides his illness from Soundarya. Later Kannamma will learn from Lakshmi that Hema didn’t attend school today. Bharathi took three days leave for her Kannamma will guess that Bharthi may fear Lakshmi confess the truth to Hema.
Later Kannamma will contact Soundarya and learns from her Bharathi intentionally stop Hema from attending the school. Kannamma will decide to confront Bharathi about it.

What will happen next? Will Kannamma confess the truth? When will Venba get caught?

Upcoming episode will answer to our all questions stay tune with our space for more updates.