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The show behind in Day 46 at 8.00 am, Morning wake up song plays inside the house. Housemates are dancing for the song ” Adiye kolluthe” then greets each other.

At 9.05 am, Spinning wheel luxury budget task going between Robert and Amudhavanan. Amudhavanan spinning the wheel. Housemates are encouraging Robert. He stands for 3 minutes and won 400 luxury budget points.

At 10.25 am, Housemate are sitting in the living area. Bigg Boss asks them are they ready for court task? Manikandan says that if he give complaint they are ready to argue it in court. Bigg Boss asks them to register their complaint in front of camera alone. Janany shares with camera that Vickram said to her she isn’t talking well in Tamil. She doesn’t like that. Dhanalakshmi says to camera that Bigg Boss sending fruits to them. But Azeem finishing it over night. She is giving complaint against him for stealing curd and fruits. Kathir says to camera that these many days passed and got warning from Kamal sir too. Though some people aren’t washing their plates and cups. He requested Bigg Boss to give evidence to find the culprit.

At 11. 25 am, Bigg Boss says to Janany that her case is accepted. She tells him that she appointing Azeem as her lawyer. Azeem reads the case history in the confession room. Janany is complaint about Vickram’s attitude towards her. He nominated her for the worst performer. He complained about her Tamil. She narrated the situation to him. He gives the summon to Vickram and asks him to clear the doubt with him.

At 11.40 am, Vickram says to camera that he is appointing Queency as his lawyer. She will argue for him in the court. Queency agrees to it.

At 1.10 pm, Housemates are arranged in the court room. Manikandan is the judge for this case. Janany gave complaint against Vickram. Azeem reads the complaint in front of the judge. He says that Vickram said to Janany that she has problem in speaking Tamil. He nominated her for the worst performer based on it. He asked Janany to move in an attitude when the royal Museum Task going on. Janany talked there taking her parents permission. Vickram mentioned in return that she isn’t real princess but a contestant like him. He shouldn’t have mentioned like that when the task going on. He might be sorry to her for this. He mentioned those words in the personal vengeance on her.

Queency deny it reasoning Vickraman just asked Janany in out of concern like that. He asked her whether she has problem in talking in Senthamizh. This problem ended there when he apologized in front of her. They bring that case again to waste court time. Azeem provokes her and asks witness come forward. He inquires Amudhavanan whether Janany said anything to him after the task? Amudhavanan says that Janany said to her that Everyone liked her Tamil when she came here. Now he complained that she has problem speaking in Tamil.

Queency clears that he didn’t mentioned Tamil there. He just asked her about Senthamizh. Azeem adds that he didn’t mentioned Senthamizh there. He shouldn’t have behaved rude to her in Museum Task. Azeem interrogating Vickram in court. Vickram narrates to them what actually happened on that day. He clears that he didn’t mean that Janany isn’t able to speak in Tamil. He meant Senthamizh there. He thought she got worst performer of the week because she has problems in talking in Senthamizh. There is an hearing argument between Azeem and Vickram in the court. Manikandan keepin an close watch on both of them. Janany says that she was hurt when he mentioned she doesn’t know to speak Tamil.

Vickram says that he apologized to her on the spot. It was ended there. Azeem says that it’s not a simple thing. He might apologize to her. Queency says that he isn’t bringing the worst performer topic here. Already he apologized to her. This problem was over there. He bring the incident again to waste court and their time. He already apologize to her. Queency asks him to demand her apologize to him fit wasting her time. Manikandan interrupt Azeem when he brings Tamil incident again. Azeem adds that they are personally attacking her. Manikandan inquires the witness in the court and asks the jury to say their decision.

Jury discuses with each other about this case and says to the judge that Vickram already proved he apologized to her. Still Azeem isn’t proved anything here. They are feeling it’s not personal attack. She gives judgement favour to Vickram. Manikandan annouced that Vickram wins the case.

At 1.40 pm, Janany asks Amudhavanan that she doesn’t know why everyone changing the decision with Azeem arguing in the court. Amudhavanan says that everyone taking revenge in thar way. Meanwhile, Azeem discussing about it with Manikandan. Mynaa puts garland on Vickram and welcome him. Later, Shivin asks her to take it as a game. People are watching it and Kamal also watching it. Janany says that they are playing different when it comes to Azeem. She is feeling that they are giving wrong judgements when it comes to Azeem case. Shivin denied it reasoning they didn’t meant that.

Janany apologize to Vickram and asks him to don’t take it serious. Vickram tells her that he didn’t meant this Tamil there. He asked about Senthamizh. Janany asks him doesn’t he mentioned Tamil there instead of Senthamizh. She asks him does she speaks bad in Senthamizh? Why did he asked her does she has problem talking in Tamil. She was hurt when he talked like that. He apologized to her.

At 2.16 pm, Queency says to Aysha that she will sit beside Kathir. She wants call him loud and ask her what’s going on there? Shivin wants to believe it as true. Dhanalakshmi says that Kathir face will change. Queency sit beside Kathir and asks him to pretend like crying. He acts like that to get attention from Shivin. Aysha says to Shivin that Kathir is crying. Mynaa teases Shivin for checking him secretly. Dhanalakshmi lies to Shivani that Kathir is crying because Queency is not talking with her. They cooks up a story to make her believe that he is crying for real.

Shivin asks Queency what happened to him? Why he is crying? Queency tells her that both wore the same color dress. She teases him for wearing the same color dress. Kathir got hurt and started crying. It’s a joke but he took it serious. Later, Dhanalakshmi informs Manikandan that they are teasing Shivin there. She asked her in secret what happened to him? Why did he cried? Kathir and Queency pretends like arguing with each other for this issue. Even Dhanalakshmi doubts whether they are fighting for real or fake.

Manikandan pretends like solving their issues but Queency walks away from there. Her hands hits the duck and it’s broken. Queency rushes inside the dressing room. Manikandan tells her it’s was a joke. Don’t take it seriously. Queency says to him that she isn’t crying but scared. Bigg Boss will scold her for breaking the things.

At 2.20 pm, Bigg Boss asks the captain who broke the duck? Mynaa mentions Queency name. Queency apologize to him. He demands Queency to apologise in front of all camera in the house. He asks Mynaa to check it careful whether she apologizing or not?

At 3.00 pm, housemates are in the court room. Dhanalakshmi gave complaint against Azeem. Janany reads the case history. Kathir complaints that Azeem eating others fruits and complete the curd alone. Mynaa is the judge in it. Kathir accuses that he is eating others fruits. Because of his attitude many are lack of vitamins here. Janany argues for Azeem in the court. Amudhavanan says that he gave his shares to Azeem. He isn’t taking others shares here. Jury gives judgement favour to Azeem. Judge Mynaa also gives judgement favour to him.

Episode end

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Bigg Boss Tamil 23rd November 2022 Written Update: