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Today episode starts with Maha sitting in garden and crying silent thinking about the recent incident someone closed her eyes from behind. When she checked the person she is happy to find Kasthuri there. Both hugs each other in excitement and crying out of happiness. She ask to her how is she? She lies to her she is doing fine. Kasthuri ask to her then why did she crying? Maha replies to her she wished to meet her but she came really.

Kasthuri raise her imaginary collar proudly. Maha says to her she is missing everyone how about them ? Kasthuri lies they are not and replies yes they missing her to the core. Dad always chanting Maha name for small small things and Mom not even cooking the food which she don’t like. Maha turns emotional and says she is missing them a lot. She is feeling lonely here without her sister. Kasthuri complaints to her that she used to scold her always and now pretend to be lovely dovely.

Maha replies yes she done like that because she love to tease her but after she left home she is missing her. Both hugs again , Maha ask to her how comes she is here out of the blue. Kasthuri confess the truth to her Mayan asked her to come here to boost up her mood. Maha ask to her how comes he knew Kasthuri can able to lift her mood. Kasthuri repeats the dialogue Mayan knew Maha better then anyone in the world including her parents.

Nachiyar keep crying thinking about the incident. Saranya and Aishu keep pleading to her stop crying and muttering sorry. Nachiyar said Mayan disliked her and misunderstood her from childhood days that she married to his father for his money. She don’t wanna deal with him in any matter that’s why she kept queit even after know he brought money for jewels but her daughters too not listening her words. Saranya apologized to her.

Nachiyar says because of her he cursed her that she will stand in road alone. Saranya says he is not a good person so his curse won’t turn true. Nachiyar asked Saranya to sign in the will and give his shares to him. Gayathri too advised her to listen to mom words because its her dad wish too. Saranya agreed to do it.

Mayan thinking about Surya blackmailing incident. He don’t know what to do? Maha comes there and ask to him why did he standing here alone what’s bothering him. He lies to her nothing. Maha force him to accept that he is worried about something. She even complaints to him he is thinking a lot nowadays to speak with her casually. Mayan says he done one wrong thing its kept haunting him. He wanna confess the truth to her but he don’t have the enough dare to say it. Maha replies if he ask forgiveness then it will be ok. Mayan says he will confess tomorrow. Maha leaves

The lawyer invites Mayan to convince the problem. Mayan keep taunting Nachiyar family. Saranya also not less talking back to him. Lawyer got enough and says this is not his father wished to see why did both are fighting always let’s finish it today. He wanna see them leading the business together so better both sign in the paper and takes the money according to the will. Lawyer assures to him he can able to access the money without her sign like the way she can do. Mayan thought its an good oppurtunity and smirks.