Dil Diyaan Gallaan Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on justshowbiz.net

Sab TV brand new show Dil Diyan Gallan is all set to entertain the viewers with it’s fresh storyline. Amrita lives with her family in New York and she has some past hurtful experience in India related to her grandparents. The leads of the show Paras Arora and Kaveri Priyam have been introduced as Amrita and Veer. It will be interesting to watch how Amrita comes back to India and sort out all the unsolved issues in her family.

In previous episode Ria announces that the haveli will be transferred to Dilpreet again. Nimrit gets angry and decides to avenge Brars for insulting her. Nimrit goes to Register’s office to change the papers. She decides to name the haveli on Maan’s name so that he gets misunderstood by Dilpreet.

There Dilpreet gets to sign Amrita’s passport document as Maan included him as his family member. Dilpreet gets happy to know that. Maan reaches the Register’s office and Nimrit makes him sign the papers without checking it properly. Nimrit informs Randeep that Maan took away the haveli cunningly and later Randeep brings the agent to Dilpreet and the latter gets shocked to know the truth that Maan is the owner of Brar House.

He scolds Randeep for taking money from cheater Maan. There Veer promises to be with Ria as Astha told him to not leave her side. Amrita gets heartbroken seeing their closeness and Astha consoles her. There Randeep feels disgusted after getting insulted by Dilpreet.

In future episodes Veer will tell Randeep will confront Maan for his betrayal and the latter will say what if Dilpreet is responsible for this as he hates him already. Sanjot will scold Maan for blaming his father.

When will Nimrit get caught?

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