Meri Saas Bhoot Hai Spoilers, Upcoming Story, Latest Gossip , Future Story, Latest News and Upcoming Twist on
Star Bharat’s recently launched show Meri Saas Bhoot Hai is a horror comedy show that revolves around Gaura and her mother in law Rekha. As Som and Gaura are married and Rekha has already become a ghost post her sudden death, it will be interesting to see the equation of a ghost mother in law and human daughter in law.
In the current track shows that Gaura wonders also shares her worry with Rekha about fulfilling the promise she made to Varun. Rekha suggests finding the ghost and confronting her about it. The ghost tries to attack Gaura when the latter finds the purse. Rekha prevents Gaura from the ghost’s attack. The ghost disappears before Rekha can confront. Gaura learns the ghost is Kiran Chaudhary.
Gaura collects information of Kiran Chaudhary from her workplace and the latter’s address. She learns through Kiran’s father about Kiran’s friends Prakash and Rohit. She fails to get any information about Prakash, so she disguises herself as a ghost and scares Prakash.
Meanwhile, Twinkle mocks at Som for his effort to find Gaura, which leads to an argument between them. There, Gaura, with the help of Rekha, makes Prakash confess his crimes to the police and gets happy after Prakash gets arrested.
In the upcoming episode, it will be shown that Gaura will meet Varun. Varun will ask Gaura in a mockery way whether she fulfils the promise he made to her about helping him get rid of the ghost that is in his hotel? He will express his disappointment towards Gaura and say that he shouldn’t have trusted her words.
Gaura will take Varun with her to his hotel. Varun will ask what she is doing? Gaura will say to Varun that she fulfilled her promise to him. She will also say that his hotel is ghost free. Varun will look shocked.
What will Varun do next? Will Varun believe Gaura’s words?
To know what happens next, stay tuned to Meri Saas Bhoot Hai on Star Bharat/Hotstar and this space.